rirotostichi's Avatar
1841 Posts
17 years, 9 months ago
Did you ever:

See something on TV (any episode of any show) and you think a certain concept from what you see is so cool and you think about it for a long time?

Here are my experiences:

Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: Camera Bugged

Upon seeing the alien with his camera that can suck people and objects in, I was very amused. I think "I'd love to have a camera like that! " . When my dad heard about the camera, he thought "a that can suck people and objects in? Sounds like a great idea for a horror movie"

Family Guy: E Peterbus Unum

The idea of Peter's house not being part of the US, thus making him his own country "later named Petoria" really hit the spot for me! I hope to one day break my own house of the UK and start my own country (and cause the UK lots of grief! ) !

Viva Piñata: The Wraisins Of Wrath

I love the idea of a Raisin pie of which reverses the personality of everyone who eats it! If only I could bake a real pie like that...

For those of you who don't know what I am talking about with the Viva Piñata stuff, here is a synopsis of the episode I mentioned:

What are your experiences?
    Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
    2505 Posts
    17 years, 9 months ago
    the season finally of alot of shows like Friends? that stuck in my head, um Full Houses season finally as well..
      Ilikethepixies's Avatar
      5870 Posts
      17 years, 9 months ago
      For me, its

      1. The Community of Springfield, from the Simpsons. I love how everyone goes to every town function, and they exist in complete homeostasis regardless of the rest of the US. From the Simpson's house, the Kwik-E-Mart, Moes Tavern and the school are all walking distance away. It'd be a great place to live.

      2. A much more specific one is how the "aliens" in Aeon Flux look. No mouths, very tall and slender (like everyone else) and their legs continue up to their chest. Weeeiiirrddd!

      3. Bevis and Butthead throwing a trashcan and hitting each other in the face. Classic dumb humor.
        79987 Posts
        17 years, 9 months ago
        Years go I was flipping channels in my room, bored out of my skull. I landed on one of the channels and there was this news report. It was about a small group of guys in South Carolina who had taken some people hostage and were threatening to set off a nuke. That got my attention right away. It looked like a real news report. It wasn't. It was a movie called Special Bulletin. And it was a rerun. I didn't know this. I was about 14 or so. But the production looked just like a newscast. It was very clever. But the movie stuck with me.

        There needs to be more TV movies like that. No advertising or anything. Just a sudden interruption in the middle of like American Idol or some crap like that. And no commercial interruption. That would capture people's attention.
          Iloveth80sfan911's Avatar
          17 years, 9 months ago
          When Micheal kissed Oscar on "The Office"
          Narrator: Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality. But... there is, unseen by most, an underworld, a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit... a Darkside :twisted:
            pikachulover's Avatar
            2944 Posts
            17 years, 9 months ago
            I can't really pinpoint specific things from tv shows. I mostly remember stuff from commercials.

            I do remember that one time there was this lady who was dressed up as Sailor Moon and hosted Sailor Moon cartoons on the day after Thanksgiving one year.

            When Punky Brewster was shopping with Henry and was just throwing things in the shopping cart.

            There are a lot of things my mind is a sponge for what I see on tv epically if it is disturbing, poignant, or just strange.
              videomaster21XX's Avatar
              17 years, 9 months ago
              Few things off the top of my head are actually all commercials.

              One was the Cookie Crisp Christmas Commercial. Which is thankfully on this site! ^_^

              Another was this old Fruit Loops commercail that had a Fruit Bat in it. To THIS DAY I can quote part of it:

              Bat: Look into my eyes! You will take me to Kellog's Fruit Loops!

              Toucan: Don't use your eyes! Just follow your nose to find that fruitiful taste!

              Bat: GIMMIE THOSE! *leaps for them*

              (Gah, I'd do almost anything to get that commercail!)

              Last is Jello Man!

              I'm one of the few to remember him, but for a while Jello had a cartoon mascot called Jello Man who was formed by the letters in Jello.

              The 'O' became the head (and later got some whipped cream for hair), The E went sideways and became his body and arms. The 'L's became his legs and feet. Finally the 'J' became his dog sidekick!

              I still remember the phrase when he appeared. Someone would grab Jello and you'd hear:

              "Hey man! Put back that Snack! It's JELLO-MAN!"

              Man as a kid I was obsessed with these commercails for some reason. I wanted a cartoon show dedicated to him. So much that I wrote four issues of a Jello Man Comic book! O_O

              I heard Jello made some Jello Man Jello Molds that I despertly want. As well as the commercails he was in.
                Ilikethepixies's Avatar
                5870 Posts
                17 years, 9 months ago
                That post above me reminded me of the Family Guy where the Kool-Aid man busts through the courtroom wall and says "Ohhhh Yeah!" That one stuck with me.
                  MemoryChip's Avatar
                  605 Posts
                  17 years, 9 months ago
                  when the symbioted covered Eddie Brock in Spiderman: The Animated Series
                  I Love the 90's

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                    Grub's Avatar
                    65 Posts
                    17 years, 9 months ago
                    Years go I was flipping channels in my room, bored out of my skull. I landed on one of the channels and there was this news report. It was about a small group of guys in South Carolina who had taken some people hostage and were threatening to set off a nuke. That got my attention right away. It looked like a real news report. It wasn't. It was a movie called Special Bulletin. And it was a rerun. I didn't know this. I was about 14 or so. But the production looked just like a newscast. It was very clever. But the movie stuck with me.

                    There needs to be more TV movies like that. No advertising or anything. Just a sudden interruption in the middle of like American Idol or some crap like that. And no commercial interruption. That would capture people's attention.

                    That would be nice, except it might cause some unwanted actions from those who are unaware, like what happened in 1938.
                      emax4's Avatar
                      164 Posts
                      17 years, 9 months ago
                      I had forgotten about it for years until an ex girlfriend brought it up; the ad for the Snoopy Snow Cone Machine.

                      "It's yum yum fun, cuz it's cool and it's clean, and it's made in the Snoopy Snow Cone Machine.

                      You put an ice cube in and get a snow cone out..

                      (little girl):It's Fun!

                      Yum yum fun is what it's all about.
                        79987 Posts
                        17 years, 9 months ago
                        I had forgotten about it for years until an ex girlfriend brought it up; the ad for the Snoopy Snow Cone Machine.

                        Oh Gods, my family had this thing. It never worked!
                          Ilikethepixies's Avatar
                          5870 Posts
                          17 years, 9 months ago
                          That sounds like a bizarre advertisement. I seldom have yum yum fun anymore :(
                            9 Posts
                            17 years, 9 months ago
                            The thing that has stuck with me is back in the mid 80's someone was able to pirate into the WGN TV signal for about 4 mins. The thing about it was he wore a Max Headroom max and sat there bobbing around staring at the camera. I dont know why but it scared the living pajesus out of me. (even though I watched MH regularly) Never have forgot it to this day.
                              79987 Posts
                              17 years, 9 months ago
                              The thing that has stuck with me is back in the mid 80's someone was able to pirate into the WGN TV signal for about 4 mins. The thing about it was he wore a Max Headroom max and sat there bobbing around staring at the camera. I dont know why but it scared the living pajesus out of me. (even though I watched MH regularly) Never have forgot it to this day.

                              I remember that! I forgot that it happened, but you just reminded me. I miss random acts of pointless pirating like that.
                                buckyohare's Avatar
                                113 Posts
                                17 years, 9 months ago
                                Duff man, can't breathe. Oh ya!


                                the stupid sheboopi song thing that went on in that one family guy episode for like five minutes after peter scored the touchdown when playing for the patriots. I don't remember cuz I liked it but cuz it was so damn annoying!
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                                  JScott's Avatar
                                  143 Posts
                                  17 years, 9 months ago
                                  The scene from the movie "Drop Dead Fred" where Fred gets his head slammed in the fridge, and when he pulls it out it's all flattened. Then in a later scene he hits the girl on the head with a shovel. Pretty bizarre, been in my memory for at least eleven or twelve years. Then there's the suicide booth scene from Futurama - just recently watched that episode for the first time since '99.
                                    animaniac318's Avatar
                                    384 Posts
                                    17 years, 9 months ago
                                    I can remember when they aired the last episode of Spiderman and X-Men on Fox.
                                      455 Posts
                                      17 years, 9 months ago
                                      Family Ties. Either the episode when the uncle comes to visit (played by Tom Hanks)and they find out he is an alcoholic.Or when Micheal J. Fox's character got strung out on speed.
                                        99Centsplease's Avatar
                                        518 Posts
                                        17 years, 9 months ago
                                        An episode of Cow and Chicken where Chicken's eyes fall out. Up until recently, I doubted it existed until I saw it on YouTube. It's called "Chicken's First Kiss". Here you go:

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