334 Posts
17 years, 9 months ago
So, is it the Addams or the Munsters? Why? And I do mean the television series, not the films . . .
    COOLHAND's Avatar
    2938 Posts
    17 years, 9 months ago
    the Addams because they were on Scooby Doo
      PyroPhoenixX's Avatar
      423 Posts
      17 years, 9 months ago
      The Munsters are really funny, so Ill go with them.
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        JoltCola's Avatar
        132 Posts
        17 years, 9 months ago
        The Munsters are superior to the Addams in every conceivable way.

        Fred Gwynne rocked as Herman. . . he was BORN to play Frankenstein's monster. . . he also was terrific in "My Cousin Vinny" as Judge Haller ("did you say YOOTS?")

        Yvonne DeCarlo was rather hot as Lily. . . but I always had a thing for female vampires. . . .

        Butch Patrick as Dracula's Mini-Me was cool. . . .and I loved his wolfman doll

        The niece (who was in no way monsterous) was incredibly hot. Period.

        Grampa Munster (Al Lewis) is the only Munster I can actually say I've met. I'm very involved with the Boxing Hall of Fame in NY. . . he was the Grand Marshall of the Parade one year at the HOF's Parade of Champions. He wouldn't smile for a picture with me unless I told him a dirty joke. Let's just say. . . . . . .he's smiling in the pic.

        How was Munsters superior to Addams Family? I wish I had a better answer, but . . . .I never really got to see the Addams. . . . they weren't on any channels around me growing up. So Munsters wins (for me) by default.

        Also, how can you compete with the wacky hi-jinks of fast-forward comedy? Benny Hill did it. . . and the Munsters perfected it.

        Also, Lily and Herman were the first TV couple to ever appear in bed together on the screen. Take THAT, Archie and Edith!
          JoltCola's Avatar
          132 Posts
          17 years, 9 months ago
          I remember a MUNSTERS movie, too . . . . . . done years later. . really, really weird seeing these characters in COLOR!!!
            COOLHAND's Avatar
            2938 Posts
            17 years, 9 months ago
            Now that I think of it the Munsters were much better.
              JoltCola's Avatar
              132 Posts
              17 years, 8 months ago
              Bottom line. . . . Lilly was way hotter than Morticia

              Therefore, (carry the "2") . . . . Munsters win!
                787 Posts
                17 years, 8 months ago
                I'd vote for Munsters. Herman and Grandpa were great.
                  Dawg's Avatar
                  484 Posts
                  17 years, 8 months ago
                  The Munsters TV Show was far far superior in every way. Although I do like both... and own both DVD's of the 1st season for Munsters & Addams Family, I definately found Munsters far more enjoyable because they joke around.

                  However, fast-forward and compare the Munsters then to the Addams Family movies of the 90's (only the first two count)... then I'll take the Addams Family because it was more morbid, yet strangly amusing.

                  Whatever happened to the proposed Waynes Brothers incarnation of a new Munsters movie?
                  This Space Is Reserved For My Signature...
                    17 years, 8 months ago
                    The Munsters b/c they were on everyday on my local stations. The Addams Family wasn't on that much and I didn't really like them much because of that.
                      787 Posts
                      17 years, 8 months ago
                      The Munsters TV Show was far far superior in every way. Although I do like both... and own both DVD's of the 1st season for Munsters & Addams Family, I definately found Munsters far more enjoyable because they joke around.

                      However, fast-forward and compare the Munsters then to the Addams Family movies of the 90's (only the first two count)... then I'll take the Addams Family because it was more morbid, yet strangly amusing.

                      Whatever happened to the proposed Waynes Brothers incarnation of a new Munsters movie?

                      I'm guessing that it's been cancelled as it's not listed on IMDB now.
                        79987 Posts
                        17 years, 8 months ago
                        I've always liked The Munsters better. Herman just cracks me up...especially when he laughs!
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