125 Posts
17 years, 9 months ago
anyone remember this film?

Sorry about pic quality and not sure if this the right place for the thread
    334 Posts
    17 years, 9 months ago
    Yep . . . I remember thinking the animation was of a low quality when I was a kid. . . was it a Rankin/Bass production?
      17 years, 9 months ago
        Hordak_Alpha's Avatar
        801 Posts
        17 years, 9 months ago
        Actually the movie was made by Filmation or, more matter of factly, the people from Filmation with Lou Scheimer heading the project. Guess what??? I have this film and only ever watched it once. I may give it a second glance since I don't remember much from it.
        (Hordak Alpha))

          82 Posts
          17 years, 8 months ago
          Yeh the guys who did "He-Man", "Bravestarr", "She-Ra" and "Fat Albert" Filmation! i remember this one, i saw it at a theater after christmas in 1987 when i was 5 and scared the bejesus out of me. But i did rented this several times when i was young but would always run out of the room when the terrifying scene where Pinocchio changes into a puppet by Puppetino was about to start cause that part scared me the most. Last month i bought a copy of this movie and enjoyed it again now that i'm older and didn't quite scare me like i did when i was young but still gives me the willies, and that part where Pinocchio gets drunk at the "Land where dreams come true" was hilarious including that part where he had to open the door as he says "None of this is my fault, i was taking out the trash when these pirates came! they took me to this island where there are monsters and witches and.. and then i escaped on a giant flying porcupine!", that is one of the funniest lines i've ever heard.

          I also transfered the tape to DVD-R. and go to where you can get a DVD-R copy of this movie.
            shiroihikari's Avatar
            1751 Posts
            17 years, 8 months ago
            I don't remember this Pinocchio movie, but I remember another one by Filmation called Pinocchio in Outer Space or something like that. It was really freaking weird...
            Coming Soon to Nostalgia Junkie: Nostalgiathon 2009!
              79987 Posts
              17 years, 8 months ago
              I saw this movie in theaters in 1987 with my dad. It scared the crap out of me. It's really dark compared to the original 1940's Disney version.
                82 Posts
                17 years, 8 months ago
                I dunno, the original was quite scary too especially when the Coachman's face turned devilish, that scared the crap out of me when i was little but would always duck down whenever that scene was about to show. Yeh this movie was scary and so was Disney's "Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs" when the queen turned into the witch, was anyone else spooked by the scene where Puppetino changes Pinocchio back into a puppet? that scene shocked me when i first saw this in theaters and ever since, everytime i rented this movie and the scene was about to come, i would run out of the room until the scene was over, Note: i was 5 at the time i saw this in theaters.

                There have been plenty of scary kid movies too such as "The Dark Crystal", "Secret of NIMH", "Return to Oz", "Willy Wonka", "The Last Unicorn", "Watership Down", "Black Cauldron" and this is a good example. Sure blows the hell out of Filmation's other fairy tale sequel "Happily Ever After" which sucked but i gotta admit Snow White was hot in that movie but "Pinocchio and The Emperor of the Night" succeeded where "Happily Ever" failed.
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