when i was in my early school days (im talking pre-k here), we used to play rugrats. and when we picking characters i wanted to be tommy, but someone beat me to it. And i was stuck with Chickie. I hated chuckie. he was such a (excuse my language) pussy. But i grew to love chuckie. And now hes my favorite.
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when i was in my early school days (im talking pre-k here), we used to play rugrats. and when we picking characters i wanted to be tommy, but someone beat me to it. And i was stuck with Chickie. I hated chuckie. he was such a (excuse my language) pussy. But i grew to love chuckie. And now hes my favorite.
I liked Tommy best, I liked how he always had the screwdriver in his pants. I think he lost it one time. Oh yeah Phil and Lil always had stuff in there pants too, like a bug, a sucker with a piece of hair on it and some lint. haha
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I liked Tommy best, I liked how he always had the screwdriver in his pants. I think he lost it one time. Oh yeah Phil and Lil always had stuff in there pants too, like a bug, a sucker with a piece of hair on it and some lint. haha