15 Posts
17 years, 9 months ago
Found this link on Fark.com:


It's a "Cartoon All-Stars" anti-drug special from the late 80s-early 90s featuring cartoon characters from the time.
With an introduction by President Bush(Senior) and his wife, who looks like she's about to strange their dog.

Haven't seen this in YEARS.
    Luna2's Avatar
    384 Posts
    17 years, 9 months ago
    HOLY SMURF! i love this style of cartoon it has so much charm to it

    i never saw this im guessing b/c i was in canada but i love most of those characters its SO good to hear those voices again. ok maybe not the muppet baby voices but most of them
      kittyg's Avatar
      39 Posts
      17 years, 9 months ago
      HAHAHA! We watched that in school. I remember that only i was able to recognize the characters "The chipmunks" or what they were called.
      <img src="http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/64/fullthrotllefuneral8hq.jpg"/>
        Luna2's Avatar
        384 Posts
        17 years, 9 months ago
        HAHAHA! We watched that in school. I remember that only i was able to recognize the characters "The chipmunks" or what they were called.

        alvin simon thedore! there the chipmunks.
          17 years, 9 months ago
          I have this on DVD. It is a bootleg. This has the greatest cult following of any 80's animated movie/special.
            79987 Posts
            17 years, 9 months ago
            I actually never saw this back in the day...but I recently watched the whole thing on YouTube.
              2602 Posts
              17 years, 9 months ago
              I watched it too, my friends was making fun of that movie though.
                number5's Avatar
                57 Posts
                17 years, 9 months ago
                I remember that was a big deal back in the day, I think it was on five or six different channels at the same time. Great cartoon!
                  weredog's Avatar
                  297 Posts
                  17 years, 9 months ago
                  I love the message this thing gives off. Do drugs and all your favorite cartoon characters will come visit you.
                    2602 Posts
                    17 years, 9 months ago
                    I remember that was a big deal back in the day, I think it was on five or six different channels at the same time. Great cartoon!

                    Actually it was on three. NBC, ABC and CBS. It did came on at the same time though. I think it was on April of 1990. I don't remember the exact date though.
                      weredog's Avatar
                      297 Posts
                      17 years, 9 months ago
                      Actually it was on three. NBC, ABC and CBS. It did came on at the same time though. I think it was on April of 1990. I don't remember the exact date though.

                      Yep. If you wanted to watch cartoons during that time period it was this or nothing. It was on all the channels.
                        sewage's Avatar
                        835 Posts
                        17 years, 9 months ago
                        Omg!!! I remember this!! I remember some of the scenes and for years I've been trying to remember what it was..... thanks so much for posting this! I never realized it was about drugs, either (I know that they specifically say it's about drugs, but I guess when you're really young you don't really listen to half of what people are saying on tv.. I know I didn't.....). I remember not really caring that the piggy bank was taken lol.... I specifically remember the first scene between Alf and Garfield. I always thought this was actually a Christmas special (don't ask..)
                        I'm VERY SURE I have this on tape some place, because I remember putting it on when I wanted to watch it..

                        [edit] Okay, tell me this doesn't sound familiar:
                        The brother's name is Michael. The sister asks what's wrong with his eyes. He says nothing, and puts on shades.
                        Lost Boys, anyone?

                        And I love that one kid's tail lol...
                        Michaelangelo: Wise man say, "forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for a late pizza".
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