My Grandma had garage sales every summer at her house, selling old clothing, toys, and jewelry, electronic stuff, and books. I got stuff (especially jewelry) at a nice low price, or for free.
I just went to a few garage sales today with my mom. I usually try to look for old tapes of retro cartoons, nice yard decorations, and old jewelry. Like, today for instance, I found some old Berenstain tapes for 50 cents each, along with some old Heathcliff tapes. I also found The Simpsons Season 1 DVD for 10 bucks. I have not gone to garage sales much in recent years (but I do go to antique shops and dollar stores alot), but I plan to go garage saling more this summer with my grandma, and also with Mom. My grandma goes to 4-5 garage sales a week during garage sale season, on Thursdays, and she's a pro - she always gets nice jewelry for me at nice low prices.
Ahhhh, the beginning of Garage Sale Season 2007!