1 Posts
17 years, 8 months ago
im looking for an old catoon but cant remeber the name i know the main char. was ziv zoolander and it was based around a kid whos father was killed and is hiding underground with a bunch of robots his dad made any one know the show i am thinking of?
    987 Posts
    17 years, 8 months ago
    Bots Master (93)

    A young genius inventor Ziv Zulander creates a chip that will allow robots to have emotions of their own. The evil Dr. Hizz realizes that with this chip he could take over the world. Dr. Hizz frames Ziv Zulander for a crime, and he's forced to take his chip and he and his little sister go on the run. He takes the few robots that he has equipped with his new technology and fights to expose Hizz's plans of conquest and clear his name

    More info Pics, theme

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