Machinist's Avatar
261 Posts
17 years, 8 months ago
Ive been looking for this commercial on the net for a while now. It was made back in the very late 80's early 90's. It goes like this. A guy makes a long distance call and some Hawaiian looking dude in a grass skirt standing next to a hut answers the phone and says something to the effect of "mook naka veesi). Back in the day it was hilarious and would love to see it again.
Strange things are afoot at the Circle K
    455 Posts
    17 years, 7 months ago
    Someone else made a thread about this a while back and it drove me insane trying to find info on it.I would love to see it again too. It was either locka aka peesay or mona locka peesay or some variation.I can almost hear it in my head.
      Strandysmommy's Avatar
      617 Posts
      17 years, 7 months ago
      Yeah! It was Fiji he was calling, and it was something like "collect call (or long distance call) to Fiji". And they show the guy in the phone booth answering and babbling whatever it was he said. He says it a couple of times.

      I think this was around...shhhhhh, (I even type the sound I make as I think!) 1993-1996 somewhere in that time frame.
        Machinist's Avatar
        261 Posts
        17 years, 7 months ago
        Yeah! It was Fiji he was calling, and it was something like "collect call (or long distance call) to Fiji". And they show the guy in the phone booth answering and babbling whatever it was he said. He says it a couple of times.

        I think this was around...shhhhhh, (I even type the sound I make as I think!) 1993-1996 somewhere in that time frame.

        Yeah thats it Fiji. Im glad im not the only one who remembers this commercial.
        Strange things are afoot at the Circle K
          Machinist's Avatar
          261 Posts
          17 years, 7 months ago
          I found out a little more on it but still no video.

          Strange things are afoot at the Circle K
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