Pudgietheparrot's Avatar
17 years, 7 months ago
Does anyone here remember this great old 90's show hosted by Darren McGavin? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0166922/ I remember being an 8 and 9 year old kid and watching episodes of this terrific show. It was always so thrilling for me. It was basically a series of stories about average people who encountered weird, supernatural events. One story in particular has stuck out in my mind for the past 11, 12 years! There was this one story about a woman and her two kids who left her abusive husband and moved into a low-budget apartment or residential hotel complex. They had spent all of the little money she had saved up and had eaten their last couple of hot dogs for food. However, an old lady who lived downstairs met them and offered to have them come eat a wonderful "Thanksgiving" meal with her she had cooked, even though, strangely enough, it wasn't even Thanksgiving! They had a terrific time, talking and eating with her and the kind old lady even offered the rest of the food to them in some tupperware containers.

The next morning, when the divorced lady came to return the old lady's tupperware, she saw through the window, that the lady's apartment was completely vacant. No furniture, chairs, or anything. When the young woman asked the landlord what happened to the old lady who lived in that apartment, he said that no tenant had lived there for years! Anyone remember this episode?
"Ease on down, Ease on down the road
come on, Ease on down, Ease on down the road
don't you carry nothing that might be a load come on, Ease on down Ease on down, down the road"

--The Wiz
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