57 Posts
17 years, 7 months ago
who remembers this show based on beverly cleary's books.
    Pudgietheparrot's Avatar
    17 years, 7 months ago
    I do! It was a 1980's Canadian series starring the very young Sarah Polley.

    I used to rent "Ramona" tapes and catch it on TV. It was a great show. I almost completely forgot about it until you mentioned it!
    "Ease on down, Ease on down the road
    come on, Ease on down, Ease on down the road
    don't you carry nothing that might be a load come on, Ease on down Ease on down, down the road"

    --The Wiz
      57 Posts
      17 years, 7 months ago
      i used to have my mom take me to the library to rent them, im glad i helped you remember. too bad i cant watch them online :(

      I do! It was a 1980's Canadian series starring the very young Sarah Polley.

      I used to rent "Ramona" tapes and catch it on TV. It was a great show. I almost completely forgot about it until you mentioned it!
        Pudgietheparrot's Avatar
        17 years, 7 months ago
        i used to have my mom take me to the library to rent them, im glad i helped you remember. too bad i cant watch them online :(

        Perhaps your local library has some episodes on tape! I checked out my local library to see if they had any of the shows I used to love watching and surprisingly, they had lots of episodes on VHS.
        "Ease on down, Ease on down the road
        come on, Ease on down, Ease on down the road
        don't you carry nothing that might be a load come on, Ease on down Ease on down, down the road"

        --The Wiz
          225 Posts
          17 years, 7 months ago
          if Im not mistaken, I believe Ramona is coming to the big screen if a few years
            Brookie79's Avatar
            428 Posts
            17 years, 7 months ago
            I loved ramona she was such a great character, I could really relate to her. I only saw a few eps back then, I really enjoyed them I wish I could see them again. Sara P was one of my fav in ramona and avonlea plus she was in the remake of day of the dead.
            " who sole task is to seek out and eradicate the true source of mans inhumanity to man" equilibrium
              avaitor's Avatar
              789 Posts
              17 years, 7 months ago
              It was more of my sister's thing, but I liked the books.
                Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
                2505 Posts
                17 years, 7 months ago
                oh ya great books and movies..never saw the t.v. show, i can't picture Ramona with blonde hair at all.. and if Sarah Polly wore a wig thats even worse. I did a thread on this as well remember to look before you repeat a thread topic.
                  SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
                  4806 Posts
                  17 years, 7 months ago
                  I used to watch this, but I never saw it on television. As a kid, I was a huge fan of the book series, so when I was in the library one day, checking out books (do kids even do this anymore? =P), I went to the video section, and saw eps of Ramona on video. I was like, "Cool!" So I jumped at the chance to watch it and thoroughly enjoyed it. I don't know how many times I'd check out those Ramona tapes, but I know I did so a lot. Wow...now there's a time of my life that I miss...when I used to sit down and read Beverly Cleary books as well as Judy Blume books; especially on days where it was too rainy to really play outside, and I'd sit in the house and read. Good times...

                  IIRC, there was an episode of Reading Rainbow that featured a book about the Ramona television show.
                  oh ya great books and movies..never saw the t.v. show, i can't picture Ramona with blonde hair at all.. and if Sarah Polly wore a wig thats even worse. I did a thread on this as well remember to look before you repeat a thread topic.
                  For the tv show, I think her hair was auburn or a light brown. That aside, I couldn't imagine her as a blonde either.
                    pikachulover's Avatar
                    2944 Posts
                    17 years, 7 months ago
                    Remember when somebody on Reading Rainbow reviewed a book about the making of the Ramona tv show? I think it was the episode when Levar talked about being on STTNG.
                      PyroPhoenixX's Avatar
                      423 Posts
                      17 years, 7 months ago
                      Judy Blume's Ramona? Oh yea, I remember her books, I read 'em in school in 2nd grade as a whole class. What I didnt know was that she had a tv show?:confused:
                      She does go waaaay back. I'm not sure but didnt she have an "ugly" doll named Chevrolet and she had gotten in a fight with someone about that?
                      This message will now self destruct...
                        SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
                        4806 Posts
                        17 years, 7 months ago
                        Judy Blume's Ramona?
                        Beverly Cleary wrote the Ramona series.
                        Oh yea, I remember her books, I read 'em in school in 2nd grade as a whole class. What I didnt know was that she had a tv show?:confused:
                        Yep. Late 80s, iirc.
                        She does go waaaay back. I'm not sure but didnt she have an "ugly" doll named Chevrolet and she had gotten in a fight with someone about that?
                        I don't remember, to be honest. Then again, Ramona (earlier books...like the ones from the 1950s), she seemed to always get into fights.
                          CanadianWeirdAlFan's Avatar
                          14 years, 5 months ago
                          I remember watching Ramona (well I found an old vhs tape that had an episode of Ramona on it).

                          It's the episode where she wears her new pajamas to school underneath her regular clothes.
                          They had firetrucks on them. LOL

                          She also wanted to runaway from home because her teacher called her mom and told her that Ramona wore her pjs to school. Of course her older sister Beatrice (or also Beezus) was making fun of her. So Ramona's mom helps her pack her suitcase but all the while giving her mom this look like WTF? She wants me to go. Anyway in the end she doesn't. Very cute episode.

                          It didn't bother me too much that Ramona was played by a blonde even though in the books she was a brunette. Sarah Polley did a great job though.

                          The actors who played her family were good too.

                          I'm a middle child and can relate to the rivalry of sisters. :wink:

                          We are all girls and we do fight..I call us The Three Stoogettes. :lol:

                          Anyway, the movie that's coming up got a lousy review from some critics. I don't care, I'll still eventually see it when it's released to video or DVD so I can rent it.

                          Critics don't always read books that films are based on. They have to remember it's for kids.
                          I think it'll be a cute kid movie.

                          I really enjoyed the books, I think I'll even re-read some to relive my childhood! It's been ages since I've thought of Ramona the Pest. 8)
                            lorax's Avatar
                            977 Posts
                            14 years, 5 months ago
                            I loved Ramona!!!! To this day, I still want a yellow raincoat just like hers!
                            "This scar is a fleck on my porcelain skin, tried to reach deep but you couldn't get in..."
                              79987 Posts
                              14 years, 5 months ago
                              I've likely outgrown these books, but I always loved the Ramona series. Never knew there was a TV show though.
                                2503 Posts
                                14 years, 5 months ago
                                  SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
                                  4806 Posts
                                  14 years, 5 months ago
                                  You know, that actually looks like it'd be a nice, cute family movie. Too bad there wasn't a Ramona movie when I was a kid, but the books and the show worked for me I suppose.

                                  Speaking of the show...


                                  I remembered it as I was watching it. ^_^
                                    27 Posts
                                    14 years, 5 months ago
                                    I loved that show! I hope it comes to dvd. I don't remember that Reading Rainbow Episode. Beezus and Ramona is coming to theaters,soon.
                                      Jeff84's Avatar
                                      284 Posts
                                      14 years, 5 months ago
                                      Judy Blume's Ramona? Oh yea, I remember her books, I read 'em in school in 2nd grade as a whole class. What I didnt know was that she had a tv show?:confused:
                                      She does go waaaay back. I'm not sure but didnt she have an "ugly" doll named Chevrolet and she had gotten in a fight with someone about that?

                                      You said everything that I was going to say. We read Romona Quimby in second grade as well.
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