nick rewind sundays.... r they still on? u kno the whole 1:00- 2:00 thing? every sunday? because when i checked the schedule for that day and those times all i saw was like neds declassified. tell me if u kno. thankss!!! (:
who are these crustaceans? -mighty b
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nick rewind sundays.... r they still on? u kno the whole 1:00- 2:00 thing? every sunday? because when i checked the schedule for that day and those times all i saw was like neds declassified. tell me if u kno. thankss!!! (:
See Nickelodeon Sucks now because We the fans need old school Nick again :)
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See Nickelodeon Sucks now because We the fans need old school Nick again :)
Quote O' Matic
Morticia:"I'm just like every modern woman trying to have it all. A loving husband, a family. I only wish I had more time to see out the dark forces and join their hellish crusade.