The one when Mr. Bumpy ate the kid's homework and had to redo it for him and the Penny for your thought episode. I use to like the karaoke segment. I liked when Mr. Bumpy use to sing Alice Cooper's "Schools Out".
The one when Mr. Bumpy ate the kid's homework and had to redo it for him and the Penny for your thought episode. I use to like the karaoke segment. I liked when Mr. Bumpy use to sing Alice Cooper's "Schools Out".
The one when Mr. Bumpy ate the kid's homework and had to redo it for him and the Penny for your thought episode. I use to like the karaoke segment. I liked when Mr. Bumpy use to sing Alice Cooper's "Schools Out".
The one when Mr. Bumpy ate the kid's homework and had to redo it for him and the Penny for your thought episode. I use to like the karaoke segment. I liked when Mr. Bumpy use to sing Alice Cooper's "Schools Out".
WOW... i remember that show! i havent thought about it in a long time tho... its the one where all these creatures are living under a bed right?! or something like that :p
mister rogers is my hero.
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WOW... i remember that show! i havent thought about it in a long time tho... its the one where all these creatures are living under a bed right?! or something like that :p
WOW... i remember that show! i havent thought about it in a long time tho... its the one where all these creatures are living under a bed right?! or something like that :p
mister rogers is my hero.
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WOW... i remember that show! i havent thought about it in a long time tho... its the one where all these creatures are living under a bed right?! or something like that :p