OldSchool90s's Avatar
126 Posts
17 years, 7 months ago
I remember as a kids watching Magic Shows and Circuses on T.V.. Do u guys remember stuff like that?
"I've never really wanted to go to japan, simply because I don't really like eating fish, and i know thats very popular out there in Africa" - Britney Spears
    1032 Posts
    17 years, 7 months ago
    Not really the only magic shows I watched was David Copperfield when he came on. I really didn't get into circus shows on tv because I went to go the circus live every year in Cleveland.
      blueryan913's Avatar
      716 Posts
      17 years, 7 months ago
      I vaguely remember a circus of the stars special back in the early 80's.
      I think it might've been a Barnum & Bailey thing with a bunch of old tv and movie stars. Sorry, can't remember any specific names.
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