mikeroach113's Avatar
18 Posts
17 years, 6 months ago
Okay, here's the story behind this video. Around 2005, I had discovered a movie with "Sylvester Stallone" called "Cobra", and I had heard that Stan Bush's "The Touch" was supposed to be part of this film before TF:TM, but was replaced with "Angel In The City" by Robert Tepper. Less than a day later (I think), I heard that Stan Bush's "Dare" was also supposed to be used in Cobra, but wasn't. John Cafferty & The Beaver Brown Band (best known for their work on cult film "Eddie & The Cruisers") released in album in 1985 called "Tough All Over", and in 1986, a song from this album called "Voice Of America's Sons" was released as a single and used as the theme song to Cobra, so I decided to see what it would've been like if this song was in TF:TM, and one of the Stan Bush songs was in its place in Cobra, and I put this video together:

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