This wasn't a project, it was a test. I had been doing poorly in 8th grade algebra and the teacher warned me that if I didn't pass the test I might flunk. So I worked hard, turned in all my schoolwork all week, and studied my ass off for this huge exam. I had a high "D" in the class, so if I passed this test I would have brought it up to a "C" or so. The day of the exam I tried my hardest, and then the following Monday the teacher had our semester grades. She showed me mine and I had failed the test and gotten a low "D" in her class. I started crying right there at my desk because I had really tried my hardest and it still wasn't enough.
If you've ever seen the Simpsons episode "Bart Gets An 'F'", it was almost exactly like that. Except I didn't end up passing. And I had to rot in summer school.