8 Posts
17 years, 6 months ago
A month ago I asked the forum if anyone remembered a 70's TV Film involving a dog hunting down a family. Since then a colleague has concluded that the scene I describe of a dog smashing through a glass window is from an obscure TV Series called Quinn Martins Tales Of the Unexpected (Twist in the Tale on British TV). There was an episode in 1977 called Devil Pack which I'm sure is the one I remeber as a kid.
Has anyone got any images/info/memories of this obscure show as the web doesn't have to have hardly any info on this cult TV Series?!
    stupidpuppet's Avatar
    54 Posts
    17 years, 6 months ago
    is this it, or was there an american version as well?


    also check imdb for info. there was a british version and a short lived american version there.

    good luck!
    [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]C'mon, Romy, let's just go dance with ourselves.[/FONT]
      8 Posts
      17 years, 6 months ago
      Yeah there was an American version which is the one I am looking for.
      There was an English programme with Roald Dahl called Tales of the Unexpected, and a series called Twist in The Tale (which is the American version of Tales Of the Unexpected).

      I'm finding it really hard to find any info on it!
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