327 Posts
17 years, 6 months ago
I was maybe 7 or 8 (c. 1987) when I saw my first and likely only episode of a screwy cartoon called "super chicken". I think it was on at the same time as "George of the Jungle". This one episode was about the chicken-superhero fighting a mad scientist's hair-growing toupee gone wild. The other day I found it on Youtube without a problem:

I can't remember, but I'd say this cartoon is funnier to me now than it would have been in those days. It contains references to stuff I wouldn't have understood as a kid. I don't even remember if I saw the ending, but if I did, I would not have got the references to hippies, the draft board, and being classified 1-A especially. Of course a kid in the 1960s might have.
    2503 Posts
    17 years, 6 months ago
    HOLY crap I remember that...
    It went right along with Rocky & Bullwinkle and George of the Jungle when they played them on Cartoon Network.

      Hordak_Alpha's Avatar
      801 Posts
      17 years, 6 months ago
      ABC ran Super Chicken with George of the Jungle for awhile there when the George of the Jungle movie first came out.

      Don't forget, Super Chicken's loyal sidekick, Fred the Lion.

      (Hordak Alpha))

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