769 Posts
17 years, 5 months ago
Does anybody remember that? When Fox sold those scratch and sniff cards and 3D glasses for the Simpsons, Revenge of the Nerds 3 (I think), and I'm guessing other programs.

Edit: Smell-o-vision was something different. That was for a movie in the 60's called the "Scent of Mystery." What I'm thinking of was AeromaVision, and it was for Revenge of the Nerds 4. Whoopsie.
    2503 Posts
    17 years, 5 months ago
    They did the same think for Nick in the 90's. I found it being extremely lame....
      Thylacine's Avatar
      1525 Posts
      17 years, 5 months ago
      Yeah, they did that on Nick, like DMoney said.

      I remember you had to get a little card that had various scents on it that were numbered, if I remember correctly. Then you'd watch Nick, and a little nose with the corrosponding number would pop up whenever you had to Scratch and Sniff.

      I tried that once, and I didn't smell anything. Either the card I got was faulty or the whole thing was just a "hoax."
      "Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
      -Rampage, Beast Wars

        769 Posts
        17 years, 5 months ago
        Yeah, they did that on Nick, like DMoney said.

        I remember you had to get a little card that had various scents on it that were numbered, if I remember correctly. Then you'd watch Nick, and a little nose with the corrosponding number would pop up whenever you had to Scratch and Sniff.

        I tried that once, and I didn't smell anything. Either the card I got was faulty or the whole thing was just a "hoax."

        Yeah, I remember having to go to, I think, 7-11 to get a scratch and sniff card for the Revenge of the Nerds thing I was talking about.
          GIRob's Avatar
          53 Posts
          17 years, 5 months ago
          I remember my Dad going to some movie in the mid to late 80's that had scratch and sniff cards that were numbered for different scenes. One was for a fart, and we would try and get people to sniff it all the time. Good times!
          Never raise you hands to children. It leaves your groin unprotected!
            thecrow174's Avatar
            9986 Posts
            17 years, 5 months ago
            I remember it but I have never tried it.

            Come have the time of YOUR life with me and the gang at
              6 Posts
              17 years, 5 months ago
              I remember the 3-D and the smell-o-vision episodes for Married with Children. The card just did not see to work and the glasses never came with our TV Guide. Nice attempt back in the day but it failed.
                liukangx's Avatar
                3907 Posts
                17 years, 5 months ago
                Yeah, they did that on Nick, like DMoney said.

                I remember you had to get a little card that had various scents on it that were numbered, if I remember correctly. Then you'd watch Nick, and a little nose with the corrosponding number would pop up whenever you had to Scratch and Sniff.

                I tried that once, and I didn't smell anything. Either the card I got was faulty or the whole thing was just a "hoax."

                I had those, my card smelled like pickles

                  pikachulover's Avatar
                  2944 Posts
                  17 years, 5 months ago
                  My friend went to the 7-11 and got the Fox ones.
                    Megagents's Avatar
                    1257 Posts
                    17 years, 5 months ago
                    Scratch & Sniffs were very popular in the 90's :)
                      animefan123's Avatar
                      809 Posts
                      17 years, 5 months ago
                      Oh man! I remember that! I use to beg my mom to buy these!
                      =50 ways to describe Happiness=

                      2/50: Happiness Is telling a Joke and people find It funny 1/30/10

                      Drew: Where's your mother?
                      Angelica: She's in the shower. She says she has to wash away the stench
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