225 Posts
17 years, 5 months ago
remember how excruciating it was shopping for clothes when you were little, whether they were for you or your parent(s)? The misery was only compounded if you had siblings, because inevitably it would be clumped into one hours-and-hours and stores-upon-stores excursion.

And most of these stores didn't have toy sections (and if they did, you couldnt wander to them because you were trying out clothes, plus you weren't allowed to wander anyways). You were lucky if you obtained a fleeting glance of a discount stuffed animal bin in the middle of the aisle at someplace like Marshall's. And no matter what you had before, you were always hungry and incredibly thirsty, but complaints only led to more shopping. Just awful.
    HarryReems's Avatar
    2067 Posts
    17 years, 5 months ago
    Yeah, that was 100 tons of suck.
    About the only time my parents could get me to go clothes shopping was "back to school" junk on the last couple weeks of summer. Not only did I have to put up with boring shopping, but dreading the end of summer along with.
      April1980's Avatar
      176 Posts
      17 years, 5 months ago
      Oh yes... I remember clothes shopping well.
      Traswling through endless shops.

      It was not so bad when it was for me that we were shopping for. But SOOOOO boring when we were in the womenswear section. Mother always took ages, and still does! These days, I just leave her to it and head for the DVD section.

      I'll tell you what... here in the UK, the clothes I would have worn when I was 5 or 6 are now coming back into fashion!

      The 70s and 80s revival us upon us! WOOT! *does a dance*
      The ongoing voyages of a retro junkie
        shiroihikari's Avatar
        1751 Posts
        17 years, 5 months ago
        There's a 70s and 80s revival of sorts going on here too, but it's only in the JUNIORS section! Why, God?! Those little so-and-sos don't have what it takes to appreciate that style of fashion! ;_; (no offense to anyone here)

        Anyway, yeah, I always hated going shopping for clothes, mostly because my mother wouldn't let me pick out anything. She always made me wear those damn stirrup pants. Gah!
        Coming Soon to Nostalgia Junkie: Nostalgiathon 2009!
          Thylacine's Avatar
          1525 Posts
          17 years, 5 months ago
          I always hated going shopping for clothes. I'm the kind that'll go in, get my size, and leave.

          Now, I hate it when my Mom insisted on trying it on, which I though was pointless because I know what size I take and if the clothes I have on now fot me fine, these will too.

          I also hated wasting time in the clothing section too. We have to stuff we need, let's go. Let's not sift through the racks anymore or try to get me to get something else.
          "Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
          -Rampage, Beast Wars

            jenniferswe's Avatar
            403 Posts
            17 years, 5 months ago
            What I hated was that my mom was very disfunctional. She hated to go out. When I was a teenager, I would want clothes like what everyone else would wear. My mom would want to get those clothes for me and then start a fight with me in the store. She would later tell my dad it was all my fault because I was such a spoiled brat. Now my son has ADHD and taking him to stores is hard. He's getting better.
            What are you people!? On dope!?

              TheOrangeRanger's Avatar
              17 years, 5 months ago
              What do you mean, hating clothes shopping when you were young? I still hate clothes shopping! You can never find the clothes you're looking for and even when you do, they only seem to carry clothing that is either two sizes too big or too small. It also seems that women can shop for longer durations of time than men can. Like life is one big RPG game and shopping malls give women powers ups and the men's power begins to drain, so the longer the trip to the mall lasts, the weaker the men begin to be.

              Until the time when the women say "Oh my gosh is it closing time already?" And as soon as that statement is uttered, the men begin to feel rejuvenated, and they can trudge on...for about 10 minutes more, just enough time for the women to find the sale on the strappy sandals at the Payless shoes!!! DAMN YOU PAYLESS SHOES!! Just wait, they'll see, when it's time for the trip...to the video game store! The men shall have their revenge! TO GAMESTOP!!!
              In the Time of the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, one fake Ranger stood supreme:

              Hey, let's play Power Rangers!


              Friend #1: I'm the Red Ranger!

              Friend #2: I'm the Black Ranger!

              Friend #3:
                17 years, 5 months ago
                I used to love shopping as long as I could sit in my stroller with my blanket and go to sleep. When I was about three, my mom was looking at clothes and I woke up and said "That is soo cute!" All the women around exploded into laughter. It was terribly traumatic and I never said "cute" again for years. I still feel weird saying it.
                  SilverViper01's Avatar
                  109 Posts
                  17 years, 5 months ago
                  Ugh. Since Bradlees and Caldor's are out of business, I'll say that I still despite Sears to this day... whenever my mom would take me to either of these stores, I always thought I would just fall asleep right in the middle of the store after hours of walking around. Luckily I was usually allowed to go to the electronics department and play the video game demos (that Starfox one rocked!) :rolleyes: Despite being a girl, I still hate clothes shopping...
                  "Why does the fate of humanity always end up in the hands of an idiot?"
                  ~from Billy and Mandy
                  100th post reached!:cool:
                    Video_Jukebox's Avatar
                    1068 Posts
                    17 years, 5 months ago
                    Ugggh, clothes shopping was sooo boring. My sister was the worst, being a preppy teenager who just had to have the right clothes. It was especially awkward being a fat kid, since you'd get yelled at for not fitting in the clothes they wanted to buy for you. The only good thing about it was, if I was well-behaved, I'd get a toy at the end or maybe even get to go to the arcade.
                    "Preserving the old ways from being abused,
                    Protecting the new ways for me and for you.
                    What more can we do?"
                    --The Kinks, "Village Green Preservation Society"
                      MissALibra86's Avatar
                      521 Posts
                      17 years, 5 months ago
                      I still hate clothes shopping to this day. That's why I still have and wear the same clothing that I did a couple of years ago. I hate the music in the store, and I hate trying on clothing. I'd get so tired after clothes shopping it's not funny. It's the same way I feel about grocery shopping.
                      You cannot leave the magic - Down at Fraggle Rock!

                      Anyone who sings like that should be dragged out into the street and shot - Garfield

                      I'm not messy. I'm organizationally challenged ! -Garfield

                      "Bouncing is what Tiggers do best!" - Tigger
                        pikachulover's Avatar
                        2944 Posts
                        17 years, 5 months ago
                        I use to like shopping for clothes as a kid and a teenager. I liked getting new clothes. I loved getting shirts with cartoons on them. I didn't like shopping with my dad because he would go to the menswear section and take a long time choosing clothes. I would get in trouble because I would just want to rest and sit on the floor.
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