I have Irish skin hardcore, so i pretty much burn, even when the sun is behind a cloud. My freshman in high school, my friend and i went to Florida for spring break and i got the worst sunburn of my life. I had to go the the doctor right after i got back because there was a point where it wasn't even skin any more. It was a really bad 2nd Degree Burn. Sucked soooo much. I still have scars and that was years ago. I haven't laid out on the beach or at the pool since then.
That is horrible! I'm part Irish too. That does suck. :mad:
The only cool part was that I got to discover the perks of keeping an aloe plant in the house.
I'm using some Aloe Vera spray I had gotten from Walgreens awhile back. It does help cool the skin down.
I'm a pale lady, too, so I get them easily and bad
I'm pretty pale too. That auction the other day really tanned my skin, though. ;)
The sunburn was so bad that I had puss-y blisters all over my back.
I had blisters when my back got sunburned too. And yes, it did hurt to lie in bed for a week, and I did not sleep well. :(