473 Posts
17 years, 5 months ago
Ok I have been trying to find this demon film for ages. Some one helped me find it and gave me a name but Im not sure I have the right film.

Heres what i remember of it. I havent seen the first one but Im not sure if this is what the sequel is about. Has anybody see this film.

I can only remember the beginning of it. It started with a hut in a forest with dead bodies everywhere as if they were all killed. Cops scouting the area. Then they go down into an underground part where explorer type people find a shrine. Around a corner is a demon trapped on what looked like tree branches. Then the old man does something to the shrine and releases the demon and then the demon kills him. That's about it, I'm positive its not pumkinhead but no idea what its called. It was made in the early 90's or late 80's.Im not sure f it was a sequel either. Also there were these dead people that could communicate with the explsoeres as if they were trapped in limbo it might have been the old man but Im cant really remember.
    225 Posts
    17 years, 5 months ago
    i saw the Unnameable 2 (based on the classic H.P. Lovecraft story) a few years ago, but, being drunk at the time, dont remember much about it.

    All i remember was some of it took place at the fictional Miskatonic University, and the most hilarious part was that the climax took place in the university library and the demon was killed by the hero merely throwing a library chair at it
      Video_Jukebox's Avatar
      1068 Posts
      17 years, 5 months ago
      I've never seen the sequel, but the original was so bad that my sister and I still crack jokes about how bad it was. Not only was the acting dreadful, but the "unnamable" monster was just plain funny.

      I'm a big fan of H.P. Lovecraft's work, but most of the films based on his short stories have been laughably bad. The only ones I liked were The Curse and In The Mouth of Madness, although I don't know if I'd like the latter film if I saw it again.
      "Preserving the old ways from being abused,
      Protecting the new ways for me and for you.
      What more can we do?"
      --The Kinks, "Village Green Preservation Society"
        473 Posts
        17 years, 5 months ago
        John Carpenters a big fan of lovecraft. I thought in the mouth of madness was a great fun film a pity the other ones wernt.
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