10 Posts
17 years, 4 months ago
Recently i suddenly remembered something about an old cartton show that i used to watch, but i can hardly remember anything about it anymore.
It was about a bunch of kids in school. I think the main "hero" was a guy with red hair and a white and blue sports jacket and a certain girl kept calling him "Ronniekins" and a firend of his was a tall guy with black hair and was always eating hamburgers and listening to music on his walkman. I don't remember much else about the show anymore...
Anyone have any ideas?
If only they came back on air.
    Alyssa_Branen's Avatar
    2220 Posts
    17 years, 4 months ago
    Sounds like the Archies. There were a bunch of different Archie and friends, The Archies, etc. Archie was the guy with red hair, the two girls fighting over him were Betty and Veronica(Ronnie) and Ronnie probably called him"Archiekins". His friend Jughead had black hair, normally wore a grey crown and was constantly eating even though he was really thin. Anyway, this is just a guess.
      10 Posts
      17 years, 4 months ago
      Yea that's it!
      Kinda liked that show. :D

      PS: What's the version called when the where just little kids?
      If only they came back on air.
        Alyssa_Branen's Avatar
        2220 Posts
        17 years, 4 months ago
        hmmm possible Li'L Archies?
          SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
          4806 Posts
          17 years, 4 months ago
          It was called The New Archies (I think it was out in the mid 80s...I know it was DiC production). I used to like watching that show. Then again, I've always been a fan of the Archie comics and stuff.
            10 Posts
            17 years, 4 months ago
            Ah yea the new Archies.
            That was it i think.
            Loved that show definately.
            I didn't see much of the other Archie's shows/comics though.
            I don't think they where shown in my country.
            If only they came back on air.
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