MrCleveland's Avatar
1066 Posts
17 years, 4 months ago
Have you ever been (or still are) the Black Sheep in your family. Because in a way, I am.:(
    bassman21's Avatar
    4618 Posts
    17 years, 4 months ago
    No but my mom always has. She was the middle child and was left out of everything. They also didn't have any faith in her. Even throughout MY childhood my mom was left out of lots of things. It's a long story, but my mom has always been treated bad. She finally told her older sister off the main one that caused her problems last year and she is 48 years old. For my mom part of it was the fact that my dad was 14 years older than her and was not the nerdy guy that her sisters married. BTW two of them have gotten a divorce and my parents are still together.
      750 Posts
      17 years, 4 months ago
      me memeand damned poud of it heh!!!
        shiroihikari's Avatar
        1751 Posts
        17 years, 4 months ago
        I guess I kinda am. I was born out of wedlock and I think that's why my grandmother didn't like me. It doesn't bother me much; I don't really like my family anyway. They're all insane.
        Coming Soon to Nostalgia Junkie: Nostalgiathon 2009!
          Ilikethepixies's Avatar
          5870 Posts
          17 years, 4 months ago
          I was, but I'm back in their good graces now.

          I'm sorry to hear that you are though, Mr. Cleveland.
            pikachulover's Avatar
            2944 Posts
            17 years, 4 months ago
            I think my parents are. They aren't related or anything like that. On my mom's side I don't get treated too bad or anything. I mean everybody in that family fights. On my dad's side it's really bad and I think because my grandmother doesn't really like my father she treats me badly because of it.
              rirotostichi's Avatar
              1841 Posts
              17 years, 4 months ago
              Just recently I have been feeling like the black sheep of the family.

              My "black sheep" cases include:

              Being forced into boarding school/boarding college
              Not being capable of inviting lots of friends all over at once (unlike bro, who does regularly)
              Some of my views not being taken seriously
              Being picked on for hating Dora The Explorer

              and more......
                misspiggy's Avatar
                1442 Posts
                17 years, 4 months ago
                I am just the opposite I think...I call myself the white sheep of the family. I am the only one who doesn't smoke, indulge in drugs, or go out to bars. I am also the only one out of all my imediate family (and aunts and cousins) that has a drivers liceince and is sober.They don't have alot to say to me unless they need a ride or money(none of them work either).They always call me for advice but get pissed when I tell them to get up before noon and take a It isn't that I lecture either (only when they ask stupid questions do I tell them the obviouse truth).I dont get invited to alot of family functions because I don't think it is cute to blow pot smoke into a babies face or to get the dog drunk.

                funny how the rest of society considers me the outcast because of my tattoos and my families reputation , but my own family doesn't accept me cause I am not enough of an irresponsible I am not too bothered by it anymore though.I have made a good life for myself outside of the family drama.Misspiggy is proud to be the lone white sheep.;)
                  Copper20's Avatar
                  601 Posts
                  17 years, 4 months ago
                  I have ass all written over...

                  Basically i am in depression, everyone pisses me off at school, obviously i'm a male meg griffin... crap.
                    Shaunbadia's Avatar
                    2395 Posts
                    17 years, 4 months ago
                    I have ass all written over...

                    Basically i am in depression, everyone pisses me off at school, obviously i'm a male meg griffin... crap.

                    There already is a male Meg Griffin in the future. In "Stewie Griffin: the untold story" When Stewie goes into the future he sees that Meg got a sex-change when she left college.

                      gumbyman's Avatar
                      2008 Posts
                      17 years, 4 months ago
                      Sometimes i do feel like i am a black sheep. But then again it all depends on what your defenition of normal is. People just use these labels for people they obviously cant understand. :D
                        outfit's Avatar
                        899 Posts
                        17 years, 4 months ago
                        I guess that would be me...but, I never hurt anybody and have kept them entertained....
                          bassman21's Avatar
                          4618 Posts
                          17 years, 4 months ago
                          funny how the rest of society considers me the outcast because of my tattoos and my families reputation , but my own family doesn't accept me cause I am not enough of an irresponsible I am not too bothered by it anymore though.I have made a good life for myself outside of the family drama.Misspiggy is proud to be the lone white sheep.;)

                          I use to feel inclined to be a part of my family and the social groups like them. Now I could care less and I'm myself. I'm viewed as a outcast to them now, but I do not care. They have been divorced, paying child support, been arrested, got fat and much more. I'm still close to my immediate family, but not the aunts uncles, cousins ect. Funny I'm more happy now that I distance myself and yes I'm doing well without them.

                          Kudos to you for breaking the chain!
                            Ackman's Avatar
                            911 Posts
                            17 years, 4 months ago
                            My family never looks at me the right way.

                            Partly because of my political affiliation. Everyone is a republican, whereas I am a libertarian.
                              2638 Posts
                              17 years, 4 months ago
                              My mom's policitaly left, my dad's hardcore right, I'm fed up with politics all together. Both my parents are very puritain and have held on to beliefs ingrained in them in childhood in the 50's, I always wish I had parents more like some of my friends do, more the freewheeling pogressive type.
                                Copper20's Avatar
                                601 Posts
                                17 years, 4 months ago
                                There already is a male Meg Griffin in the future. In "Stewie Griffin: the untold story" When Stewie goes into the future he sees that Meg got a sex-change when she left college.

                                I know that already!! What I was saying is that I was very close to Meg Griffin, as she is a female version of me probably!!
                                  Shaunbadia's Avatar
                                  2395 Posts
                                  17 years, 4 months ago
                                  I know that already!! What I was saying is that I was very close to Meg Griffin, as she is a female version of me probably!!

                                  Ok, Ok, jeez. Don't go physco over it.

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