The_Batman's Avatar
876 Posts
17 years, 4 months ago
I was watchin an episode of whos the boss the other night, and it was the episode where Angela tries to get this fashion desginers she tries to dress like a young person from the 80s, well anway. at the end they show this fantasy cut scene were her and Tony are dancing ina ball room, she has on a blue dress and he has on a tux, they play this song my uncle has bneen looking for for a while. it has an upbeat 2 it, and has a piano playing, and the guys go Ba ba ba baaa ba baaaa, ba ba ba baaaa, i couldnt hear much of the words, but if ANYBODY knows this song im talking about, please help me out.
"Keep the change you filthy animal..."
    225 Posts
    17 years, 4 months ago
    haha yeah i saw that too and was wondering what song it was--classic 80s
      The_Batman's Avatar
      876 Posts
      17 years, 4 months ago
      haha yeah i saw that too and was wondering what song it was--classic 80s

      man, its been drving us crazy trying to find that song for the past couple of months. i used to hear it all the time when i worked at a grocery store, and they had it set to the 80s on the satellite radio, but i thought the song was annoying as fuck. little did i know id be trying to find it years later.
      "Keep the change you filthy animal..."
        80sRmylife's Avatar
        215 Posts
        17 years, 4 months ago
        I'm taking a stab here,but it might be Steppin Out by Joe Jackson.

        If it is let me know.
        "Praise White Jesus!!!"
          nytom30's Avatar
          9 Posts
          17 years, 4 months ago
          I did a little investagation for you...The song that Tony and Angela dance to is "Steppin' Out" by Joe Jackson. Heres a link to download the song :-)

          "I should've known you'd know where to find the boys and the booze"
            The_Batman's Avatar
            876 Posts
            17 years, 4 months ago
            I did a little investagation for you...The song that Tony and Angela dance to is "Steppin' Out" by Joe Jackson. Heres a link to download the song :-)


            OMG that is it! thank you guys so much! My uncle would kiss you guys if he was here!!lol.. really i appreciate it so much.thanks.

            Retrojunkers are the nicest people on the net.
            "Keep the change you filthy animal..."
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