90skid555's Avatar
257 Posts
17 years, 3 months ago
What you remember about food shopping with your parents as a kid ? I remember running right to the cereal isle
kid still stuck in the 90s
    1 Posts
    17 years, 3 months ago
    Oh man, I remember running over the candy isle where you could get the sample candies :) I used always grab the gummy Bears YUUMMMMYY. Then I would jump on the end of the cart and have my father push me around the store...............................Man do I ever miss the days of innocence.
      2638 Posts
      17 years, 3 months ago
      The huge bulk food bins at Sobeys from when I was a kid. Giant tubs of junk food, you could imagine how tempting that would be to a kid.

      When I got a bit older I really liked going to the Superstore chain, they're one of those combination grocery/ department stores. The one near my house in Nova Scotia had a small sealed off section that sold cds and videos my mom let me go to while she shopped. I never bought anything as I recall but I remember staring longingly at the Doors videotapes Dance on Fire (like a music video/ promo film best of) and Live at the Hollywood Bowl.
        Ilikethepixies's Avatar
        5870 Posts
        17 years, 3 months ago
        I remember the line:

        "If you don't go, I won't know what you want,"

        from my mother. That is what always made me go. I figured an hour of my time was worth a week of eatting delicious treats. Boy, are Americans spoiled or what?
          bamfingnightcrawler's Avatar
          17 years, 3 months ago
          I remember one grocery store that I used to go to had these small carts for kids, and I always loved using those carts. There were aslo these stairs that led to the offices that my brother and I would always hang out at. Sometimes we got free stuff from the employees.
            animefan123's Avatar
            809 Posts
            17 years, 3 months ago
            Haha! I remember asking May I have these? or May I have Candy? I really Loved candy back then! (still am) But now, I have to watch what I eat:( There's no fun in that, but I Have no choice
            =50 ways to describe Happiness=

            2/50: Happiness Is telling a Joke and people find It funny 1/30/10

            Drew: Where's your mother?
            Angelica: She's in the shower. She says she has to wash away the stench
              pikachulover's Avatar
              2944 Posts
              17 years, 3 months ago
              I use to like to go to the vending machines and ask for a quarter to get something. I also use to like to go and stand in the checkout lane and squeeze the candy bars.
                267 Posts
                17 years, 3 months ago
                I used to always want Cocoa Puffs, but my mom had to get the non-sugar cereal of course!

                Now, I'm wishing it was the 80's!
                  bassman21's Avatar
                  4618 Posts
                  17 years, 3 months ago
                  I use to always play Doube Draggon and Ninja Turtles while my parents shopped.
                    SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
                    4806 Posts
                    17 years, 3 months ago
                    I think I used to always go to the cereal aisle a lot when I was a kid. I loved to get Apple Jacks, Rice Crispies, Kix, Berry Berry Kix, or Apple Cinnamon Cheerios.

                    I know that on Fridays, for a treat, my mother would allow me to have a Kids Cuisine meal, or either a Looney Tunes TV dinner. Anyone else remember those Looney Tunes meals? I used to like the one with Speedy (Burritos I think) and the one with Tweety (Macaroni & Cheese).

                    My mother didn't buy me candy much, but she'd let me have it on occasion, and we didn't really get much junk food either, albeit sparingly.

                    Oh, one place that doesn't exist anymore in that area, was Winn-Dixie. We would go there every week for the grocery shopping. While in there, they used to have a display case with books. The Adventures of Raggedy Ann & Andy books (which the Saturday morning cartoon, iirc, was based on...it was the late 80s) as well as some Disney-based books. Every week, my mom would let me get one of the books until I had the entire collection. I looked forward to that every week.
                      pikachulover's Avatar
                      2944 Posts
                      17 years, 3 months ago
                      I think I used to always go to the cereal aisle a lot when I was a kid. I loved to get Apple Jacks, Rice Crispies, Kix, Berry Berry Kix, or Apple Cinnamon Cheerios.

                      I know that on Fridays, for a treat, my mother would allow me to have a Kids Cuisine meal, or either a Looney Tunes TV dinner. Anyone else remember those Looney Tunes meals? I used to like the one with Speedy (Burritos I think) and the one with Tweety (Macaroni & Cheese).

                      My mother didn't buy me candy much, but she'd let me have it on occasion, and we didn't really get much junk food either, albeit sparingly.

                      Oh, one place that doesn't exist anymore in that area, was Winn-Dixie. We would go there every week for the grocery shopping. While in there, they used to have a display case with books. The Adventures of Raggedy Ann & Andy books (which the Saturday morning cartoon, iirc, was based on...it was the late 80s) as well as some Disney-based books. Every week, my mom would let me get one of the books until I had the entire collection. I looked forward to that every week.

                      I use to like the Looney Tunes meals too. I liked the chicken one.

                      They use to sell book series are the Ralph's too. My family got encyclopedias there in 1989. They also use to buy me like one book in the series. I have one volume of 2 different Disney story books and one science encyclopedia the "A" volume.
                        mattratt's Avatar
                        172 Posts
                        17 years, 3 months ago
                        when i was little, i would go to were the dog food was & sniff it. :eek: i don't know why i did it, it seemed like a good idea at the time.
                        The Mall Of Memphis 1981-2004? i will never forget you.
                          402 Posts
                          17 years, 3 months ago
                          My mom used to take me to an independenly-owned grocer that sadly went out in 2000. I hate the chain stores, this place was awesome.

                          For starters, this store operated differently than a normal one. It was one of the very first stores to use a debit card system for its own card (think of it like a JC Penney charge only for a grocer, but instead of being credit it's debit), had its own stuff made in-house including meats, had its own restaraunt located adjacent to it, and even had valet grocery pickup--you drove up to an area and they would load your groceries in your trunk, free of charge!

                          We knew almost everyone from the butchers to the produce lady to the cashiers. I even got to meet the owner. If the store had not shut down I was guaranteed a job there.

                          I remember going there like it was yesterday. When I was really little, my mom would put me in the cart. We'd go up aisles 2 through 5 first and then would go to the deli. That was followed by the produce department. Aisles 6 and 7 were right around the deli, which was in the middle as was the produce department, and we'd get stuff there if needed. We'd then go through aisles 8-10 before stopping at the milk counter in the back and then getting whatever we needed on aisle 11 (the frozen foods aisle). Aisle 12, the bakery and bread aisle, was our next stop. Then we'd go clear across the back of the store to aisle 1 to get our meat. Finally, we'd check out, get in the car, and pick up the groceries!

                          I even remember the aisles and what they contained. Somewhere I have my mom's old store card. I also have a mug from the store--they sold coffee near the cheese counter of the deli (yes, there were separate lunchmeat and cheese stations).

                          I'd always plan out the menu and list with my mom, plus I'd help to sort through the coupon box. We'd do this in the morning and then hit the grocery store right afterwards. On a nice day we'd come home and eat sandwiches and teddy grahams at my little picnic table on the patio.

                          I never was one to demand certain foods. If something new caught my eye (like when Apple Cinnamon Pop Tarts came out...mmm, do they even make those treats anymore? So good!) I'd usually find out about it through a coupon ad and both my mom and I would want to try it. Didn't really want any of the kid cereals, I usually ate pancakes and eggs in the mornings, only having Cheerios when we wanted something different.

                          Today I prefer independent stores if I can find one. There's one up the street from me that I go to a lot. I can't say I know all the people there as their turnover rate is high (it was almost nonexistant at the store I grew up with) yet I've had a few buddies work there in the past. I'll go to the chains mostly to say hi to my friends who work there--I know a deli guy at one and a produce lady at another, yet they only work in the summers. My grocery needs aren't that significant (I make food last) but I can't say it's as fun as it was back in the day.
                            missballerina07's Avatar
                            17 years, 3 months ago
                            That mom and us would head down the cookie and ice cream aisle. Dad always wanted us get the meals done 1st!!!
                              HarryReems's Avatar
                              2067 Posts
                              17 years, 3 months ago
                              When I got dragged into grocery shopping, I headed straight to the magazine isle. All checking out the video game magazines & X-Men comics.
                                PixarFan88's Avatar
                                618 Posts
                                17 years, 3 months ago
                                I have many memories of going to the grocery store as a kid. I usually liked to go to the cereal isle. I also liked looking at the comics and the magazines.
                                  aldeadelarce's Avatar
                                  42 Posts
                                  17 years, 3 months ago
                                  I loved to get lost and wait for the speaker to say my name and to hear: "your parents ar elooking for you"XDXDXDXD
                                    erikko's Avatar
                                    156 Posts
                                    17 years, 3 months ago
                                    i always looking for that Reese's choco bar to the point that my parents are dead tired looking for me at the store
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                                      jenniferswe's Avatar
                                      403 Posts
                                      17 years, 3 months ago
                                      I would go to the cheap toy section and look at the toys. I would, also, sit on the mechanical horse. Once and a great while someone would give me a quarter and I would get to ride it. Sometime the bakery people would give us a cookie. I remember getting lost in the store and freaking out.
                                      What are you people!? On dope!?

                                        79987 Posts
                                        17 years, 3 months ago
                                        We used to go to these places that either went out of business or got purchased by bigger companies. Fazio's, Rini-Regos and Barney's Warehouse. All of these were local to west Cleveland. Fazio's sticks out because the owner(?) was shot dead at one of the stores in the late 70's. Barney's had the coolest video games in the front. (Young one's, there was a time when every merchant felt the need to put at least two arcade games in front of their place and everyone had a video rental section, both VHS and Beta)
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