79987 Posts
17 years, 4 months ago
When I was kid growing up in the 1980s there was always stuff on TV about Nostradamus' prophecies. He predicted that the world was going to end before the year 2000. Was anyone else affected by this stuff? Did anyone think that the world could end before they were in their 20s?
    17 years, 4 months ago
    I love how it seems like every 5 years there is a new doomsday date. And then the time passes and another date is "announced."
      79987 Posts
      17 years, 4 months ago
      I remember that. Its still going on now like pearljam said. The end date gets shoved back a few years. The thing with Nostradamus was that his 'prophecies' were so vague that you could read whatever you wanted into them. That and he was a major morphine addict. Which made sense since he was an apothecary during the plague era. The constant yelling that the world will end is called the Chicken Little Syndrome. One little, minor thing and the world is falling apart.
        sikkbones's Avatar
        1262 Posts
        17 years, 4 months ago
        i remeber the REM song.
          Pinwheel's Avatar
          532 Posts
          17 years, 4 months ago
          Yeah esp. around 1998-99, there were all these prophetic tv specials about the end of the world...and of course it always was 5-15 yrs in the future. And as that time approached it was even further in the future. Then they started on the whole Mayan calendar thing that the world is supposed to end in like 2012, so I guess we'll be seeing specials on that soon.
          "It lies in the valley of the vision, where the slain are not slain with the sword. In the darkest shadows of light, there you'll find a door..."
            Shaunbadia's Avatar
            2395 Posts
            17 years, 4 months ago
            i remeber the REM song.

            Yeah, that was a great song.

              79987 Posts
              17 years, 4 months ago
              Then they started on the whole Mayan calendar thing that the world is supposed to end in like 2012, so I guess we'll be seeing specials on that soon.

              I can't wait! :D I shouldn't wish my life away...

              I've heard of people building fall out shelters in their backyards and stocking up on canned food and bottled water...They're called "survivalists". Or "loonies". I always get those two confused.
                79987 Posts
                17 years, 4 months ago
                I can't wait! :D I shouldn't wish my life away...

                I've heard of people building fall out shelters in their backyards and stocking up on canned food and bottled water...They're called "survivalists". Or "loonies". I always get those two confused.

                Or Y2K Suckers. ;)
                  79987 Posts
                  17 years, 4 months ago
                  Oh yes...Y2K. Planes were gonna drop out of the sky just because the digital calenders couldn't go past 1999.

                  Chris Jericho exploited it well for his entrance to the WWF though :D
                    bigdawg8412's Avatar
                    734 Posts
                    17 years, 4 months ago
                    I remember an episode of the Rugrats when the babies thought it was the end of the world and they went to hide inside a shed.

                      79987 Posts
                      17 years, 4 months ago
                      There was also an episode of Chibi Mariko-chan where the kids all watched a tv show about Nostradamus. Then, because they thought the world would end soon, they decided to stop wasting their youth with studying.
                        331 Posts
                        17 years, 4 months ago
                        Yeah esp. around 1998-99, there were all these prophetic tv specials about the end of the world...and of course it always was 5-15 yrs in the future. And as that time approached it was even further in the future. Then they started on the whole Mayan calendar thing that the world is supposed to end in like 2012, so I guess we'll be seeing specials on that soon.

                        There's already specials on the Mayan calendar on the History Channel. Also on New Years Eve and Day, the History Channel shows end of the world specials. They've been doing this for the past three years (maybe?)
                          79987 Posts
                          17 years, 4 months ago
                          Also on New Years Eve and Day, the History Channel shows end of the world specials. They've been doing this for the past three years (maybe?)

                          Really? I don't have the History Channel because I live in Australia and Japan...Maybe a fascination with the Apocalypse is an American thing :D
                            darthmunk's Avatar
                            3361 Posts
                            17 years, 4 months ago
                            I thought the world was going to end on New Year's Eve when it became 2000. I was scared as I was counting down.
                              outfit's Avatar
                              899 Posts
                              17 years, 4 months ago
                              Many years ago some friends of mine in college were SURE the world was coming to an end in a few years....I can't remember their religion(Born Again?) They told me I was DOOMED and that only they would survive.. Well, the time for this to happen passed and I am still here. I really didn't like that they thought I was going to "get it" while they lived.
                                79987 Posts
                                17 years, 4 months ago
                                There are a lot of Millennium cults and Doomsday religions: The Unification Church, the Branch Davidians, Aum Shinrikyo etc.

                                I wonder how many people just quit once the end of the world doesn't come by the prophesised time though? It's like they paint themselves into a corner by setting a date. They should just keep it open ended :D

                                I'm personally looking forward to Second Impact and a battle between Evangelion and the Angels. :cool:
                                  outfit's Avatar
                                  899 Posts
                                  17 years, 4 months ago
                                  I wonder how many people just quit once the end of the world doesn't come by the prophesised time though?

                                  ALL of the people I knew quit. I guess they were dissapointed and no longer felt "special" or better or whatever it was that they felt was okay to lecture to me about.
                                    79987 Posts
                                    17 years, 4 months ago
                                    Yeah, that's usually a case. I've also read inteviews with those types of people and they usually say that they can't go back to a normal life afterwards because everything seems so ordinary and mundane.

                                    One of the women in Jonestown said she never believed in heaven before she joined Jonestown, but Jim Jone's made her believe that creating heaven on earth was possible. After the massacre, she said she couldn't believe in anything anymore.

                                    That's kind of depressing...:D
                                      mattratt's Avatar
                                      172 Posts
                                      17 years, 4 months ago
                                      and they always get it wrong.
                                      The Mall Of Memphis 1981-2004? i will never forget you.
                                        Timown's Avatar
                                        1575 Posts
                                        17 years, 4 months ago
                                        is this not a weird thread title? 'who remembers the end of the world?' is it possible that none of us do, and it's already happened?
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