1 Posts
17 years, 4 months ago
does anybody remember fox family before it was abc family, there was this show that came on weekday afternoons and kids competed in teams outside and they raced like dirtbikes, 4-wheelers, and mini-tanks? the team names were always like sharks, bears, tigers, jaguars, etc, i used to love that show when i was a kid but i cannot think of the name of it, if somebody has ANY kind of recollection of this or ANY type of guess at all, please let me know, i guess it was on tv in the mid to late 90's

    shiroihikari's Avatar
    1751 Posts
    17 years, 4 months ago
    Wow, yeah, I think I used to watch that show too but I can't remember the name either...
    Coming Soon to Nostalgia Junkie: Nostalgiathon 2009!
      telly152's Avatar
      11 Posts
      17 years, 3 months ago
      grrrr... I totaly forgot about that show. I think that show messed me up cause I would constantly bug my parents about getting me a new dirtbike. And then that show would rub it in my face. Along with a few select rich kids that seemed to get a new one every year. Good part is I did eventually get one to shut me up. And it did a good job my mom says cause I was NEVER home after that. Thing is please find the name somebody.
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