warriorman's Avatar
30 Posts
17 years, 3 months ago
hello my fellow RJ's, I'm in bit of a mind lock at the moment. As you all know halloween is just around the corner and I got thinking, wasn't there a TV show back in the 90's about a Highschool that was scary or something, and the principal was like a huge scary black frankenstein dude, and the janitor was a weird crazy dude, but was friends with the students. I just can't remember the name of that show. It came on Fox and I beleive YTV aired a few episodes as well, it was actually one of my favorite shows to watch around halloween.

thanks guys
Rock and Roll all Nite and Party Every Day
    SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
    4806 Posts
    17 years, 3 months ago
    I think what you're thinking of is Bone Chillers. I have one episode on tape still. I'm not sure if it aired on YTV or Fox, but it did air on ABC on Saturday mornings back in the mid-90s. The show was based on the book series by Betsy Haynes.

    The story took place at "Edger Allen Poe" High School, and it was always creepy and stuff, and weird things would always happen.
      warriorman's Avatar
      30 Posts
      17 years, 3 months ago
      Thanks Jup81.
      Rock and Roll all Nite and Party Every Day
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