Remember that CD that Rhino (I believe) had released back in the mid 1990s? It had a bunch of alternative and punk bands covering theme songs of Saturday Morning cartoons from the 1960s and 1970s.
I wish they would do that now with cartoons from the 1980s. Now that would kick ass.
Remember that CD that Rhino (I believe) had released back in the mid 1990s? It had a bunch of alternative and punk bands covering theme songs of Saturday Morning cartoons from the 1960s and 1970s.
I wish they would do that now with cartoons from the 1980s. Now that would kick ass.
Yes. I think there was also a TV special starring Drew Barrymore on Cartoon Network where they showed music videos of the songs along with clips from the cartoons.
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Yes. I think there was also a TV special starring Drew Barrymore on Cartoon Network where they showed music videos of the songs along with clips from the cartoons.
Quote O' Matic
Dad Dexter:"Dad: Dexter, I am your father. Dexter: [Gasp] That's not possible! Oh wait, no, you are right.
-Dad Dexter"