17 years, 3 months ago
I need some help remembering the title of two shows that I watched as a kid. Okay, the first one I watched aired on Nick Jr. when I was seven. It was about a little girl and her imaginary friend. Her imaginary friend was this pink creature with red spots all over it. The second cartoon I watched as a kid was one about a few mice who were sent to bed without any supper and they dream that they are on the Milky Way, drinking milk. Does anyone remember these cartoons? If you remember the titles, please let me know. Thank you for reading and good-bye for now.
    bleukeekat's Avatar
    407 Posts
    17 years, 3 months ago
    i dont know how old you are now, but i remember 'maggie adn the ferocious beast' he had a lot of dots:)
    miaow >^..^<

    Oh dear I've re-dorkulated!
      snkreed99's Avatar
      139 Posts
      17 years, 3 months ago
      I believe that the second cartoon you mentioned was an old mgm cartoon, but it was not mice, it was three little kittens, they were sent to bed without supper because they had lost thier mitens. It was based on the old nursery rhyme.
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