266 Posts
17 years, 3 months ago
I used to watch it on fox kids when I was like 6 or 7 years old.:cool:
    79987 Posts
    17 years, 3 months ago
    I was in my early 20s when that show started. It only came out like 7 or 8 years ago...10 years at the absolute most.

    I watched it. But I thought Medarot (Medabots in the US) was a far superior show.

    This thread will probably get criticized, mate...Good luck.
      Timown's Avatar
      1575 Posts
      17 years, 3 months ago
      I was in my early 20s when that show started. It only came out like 7 or 8 years ago...10 years at the absolute most.

      I watched it. But I thought Medarot (Medabots in the US) was a far superior show.

      This thread will probably get criticized, mate...Good luck.

      yeah this is going down in flames...

      i saw one or two shows, and didn't really mind them. I thought some of the Digimon designs were pretty cool, but other than that is was 'meh'
        HarryReems's Avatar
        2067 Posts
        17 years, 3 months ago
        That show was doo-doo.
        A poorly animated Pokemon ripoff with REALLY horrible character designs.
        I could do without all those "collect-em-all and get stronger" shows.
          animaniac318's Avatar
          384 Posts
          17 years, 3 months ago
          Hell no Digimon sucked.
            the-micro-man's Avatar
            3492 Posts
            17 years, 3 months ago
            Yes, me and my brother were a huge fan of the show. I lost interest in it around the 3rd season, though.
              79987 Posts
              17 years, 3 months ago
              I liked Digimon, but I was in middle school when both Digimon and Pokemon came out. I liked the Digimon characters because they were easier to draw.
                erikko's Avatar
                156 Posts
                17 years, 3 months ago
                for me it's a lame spin-off of Pokemon
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                  Sunriser's Avatar
                  3802 Posts
                  17 years, 3 months ago
                  Wow... Well, I can say I liked it as a teenager. I still do for the most part.
                    79987 Posts
                    17 years, 3 months ago
                    Yeah and I still do.
                      225 Posts
                      17 years, 3 months ago
                      digimon was awesome and i was in college when it came out--it was the only cartoon i watched during that period

                      and its not a pokemon rip-off; digimon came out before pokemon in japan, but their releases were switched in the US
                        sikkbones's Avatar
                        1262 Posts
                        17 years, 3 months ago
                        i was adult when digmon came out... and yeah.. they sucked.
                          SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
                          4806 Posts
                          17 years, 3 months ago
                          Anime wise, Pokemon came out first in both the US and Japan. Game wise, in Japan, Digimon's games are older.

                          Anyway, I was in my late teens when Digimon started here. I liked it. I prefer the original more so, though, to the dub. My least favorite is Digimon Frontier. I liked Digimon Savers okay (which just started airing in the states). Digimon Tamers is the only seriers I haven't seen all the way through, although, balance wise, it's the best out of all of them.

                          That aside, Digimon is definitely not a rip off of Pokemon and anyone's who's watched both shows should be able to tell that. Pokemon is a show about becoming the world's best trainer, while Digimon, usually, is about saving the world or keeping it safe from enemies, or some government conspiracy related stuff (like Digimon Savers and to a smaller extend, Digimon Tamers). The only similarity both series have is that both deal with monsters. Digimon's human characters also have more depth to them compared to Pokemon, where the characters seem to remain completely stoic. No growth and such what-so-ever. Satoshi, a better trainer I'm sure now, is still pretty much the same.

                          It's just as bad as people saying Cardcaptor Sakura is a rip-offof Yugioh and vice-versa, when both series are way too different, the only similarity being that they both deal with cards.
                          That show was doo-doo.
                          A poorly animated Pokemon ripoff with REALLY horrible character designs.
                          I could do without all those "collect-em-all and get stronger" shows.
                          Shows you've never watched it if you believe that...
                          for me it's a lame spin-off of Pokemon
                          Even though game wise, Digimon technically was out first? Wouldn't Pokemon be the spin-off? =P
                            pikachulover's Avatar
                            2944 Posts
                            17 years, 3 months ago
                            I didn't like it as a child since I was like 15 or 16 when it came out. It was ok. I use to watch it when like nothing else was on. My friend had a crush or either Mimi or Sora. I can't remember. He made fan characters and one of them was based off me. Patamon was cute I liked him. I didn't watch the 2nd and 3rd seasons. I did like the 4th one though. Digimon is one of my least favorite "mon" anime along with Monster Rancher.
                              Shot_King's Avatar
                              617 Posts
                              17 years, 3 months ago
                              I was 14-15 when Digimon came out and I didn't like it anymore then Pokemon itself although there are a few characters, like in Pokemon, I do really like.

                              Even though game wise, Digimon technically was out first? Wouldn't Pokemon be the spin-off? =P

                              That reminds me, wasn't there an article written some years back that criticized Nintendo for coping the idea of Pokemon from Digimon? I doubt its true when Pokemon director Satoshi Tajiri said he got the idea from Bug collecting, a popular pastime in Japan, as a child. But I guess you never know...

                              I can kinda see why people would call Digimon a rip off when it came right around the same time (if not later) when Pokemon started getting really popular in the US. Then, you either hated or loved it. If they actually played the games or watched the Anime they would know the difference.
                                79987 Posts
                                17 years, 3 months ago
                                I can kinda see why people would call Digimon a rip off when it came right around the same time (if not later) when Pokemon started getting really popular in the US. Then, you either hated or loved it. If they actually played the games or watched the Anime they would know the difference.

                                The anime is a rip off because it is the same basic premise - a group of friends travelling about together, with a pet monster that they level up into higher evolved forms through training and battling etc. There is still the "summoning" aspect too. Having multiple monsters or monsters that can speak are really the factors which differentiate them. Medabots was the same but instead of levelling up, the hero collected extra armour and body parts for his robot. Its all basically the same shit though.

                                I think the major difference between Pokemon and Digimon is that Pokemon started off as a card game where as Digimon was originally like a tamagochi which you could battle with your friends, right? The anime came out to promote the cards and tamogochi and the video games came out much later as sort of "virtual" forms of the card and tamagochi games.

                                In Japan, there will often be one show which becomes successful and then rival companies bring out like a million imitations of it with only slight variations to differentiate them. Look at all the Super Sentai clones over the years. The same deal with video games. When Street Fighter II came out in the arcades there were hundreds of SFII clones. Capcom tried to sue them all for stealing their ideas.
                                  843 Posts
                                  17 years, 3 months ago
                                  [FONT=Impact]yeah i think its better than pokemon i was and i am still on the digimon band wagon i like how big and powerful they can get and how much they really change when they digivolve[/FONT]
                                    the-micro-man's Avatar
                                    3492 Posts
                                    17 years, 3 months ago
                                    Pokemon started off as a card game

                                    Uh, actually, it started out as a Game Boy game from Nintendo.
                                      SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
                                      4806 Posts
                                      17 years, 3 months ago
                                      The anime is a rip off because it is the same basic premise - a group of friends travelling about together, with a pet monster that they level up into higher evolved forms through training and battling etc.
                                      Meh, depends. That was never the case for Savers or Frontier, technically. Digimon Adventure was a "survival" thing, and they didn't even know of evolutions and such.

                                      The traveling together also wasn't by choice. These kids were thrown into the situation. As a matter of fact, not counting Frontier and Savers, and to a smaller extent, Tamers, all of the kids were "thrown into the situation".

                                      I seriously don't consider one a rip-off of the other. It's like how Fushigi na Koala Blinky (Noozles in the states) came out before Koala Boy Kokki (Adventures of the Little Koala in the states) slightly (both started in 1984 over there), but that doesn't make Adventures of the Little Koala a rip-off of Noozles. At the time, "Koala Bears" were popular in Japan (something like that).

                                      The same could apply to Pokemon, Digimon, Monster Rancher, etc. Seems that monster-themed shows, in the late 90s, was getting popular, hence, different shows surrounding them. Seriously, Pokemon is a monster-training show. Digimon has that whole "save the world from evil" situation using computerized monsters, not counting season 4 which became "Power Ranger/Voltron-ish" to me, and Season 5 that was all "Government conspiracy" type stuff.
                                      I think the major difference between Pokemon and Digimon is that Pokemon started off as a card game where as Digimon was originally like a tamagochi which you could battle with your friends, right? The anime came out to promote the cards and tamogochi and the video games came out much later as sort of "virtual" forms of the card and tamagochi games.
                                      I think the gameboy games came out first for Pokemon.
                                      Look at all the Super Sentai clones over the years.
                                      Super Sentai is highly popular in Japan amongst school children.
                                        2503 Posts
                                        17 years, 3 months ago
                                        Digimon the Show > Pokemon the Show
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