You've got to be kidding me.
Please, please learn to produce cohesive sentences when asking for information.
"I'll try, however, please try to post information on what I'm asking instead of telling me something that should have been in a pm."
If you are older than 13, you have no excuse for such terrible language usage.
I guess you've got me, there NickRules. I guess you got me...
Take a second look at the first post in this thread. Just look at it. Tell me if that's the kind of trash you want to be reading. For me, I don't want to have any parts of it. If someone wants something out of a group of people, they should have the decency to take two seconds to type with some sort of understanding of the English language.
I feel that I reserve the right to correct someone's post if I feel that they're not fully participating in the golden rule... treat others as you would be treated. In other words, if you want people to treat your words with respect, don't splatter diarrhea all over the thread.
Besides the title, the post was very readable. You have the right to correct him, I just don't see the point. It really isn't that big of a deal. I would rather have to read a poorly written post rather than all of the posts after it explaining why is was written so poorly.
That explains a lot. Please learn the language you pretend to speak and/or type. Its embarrassing.
Also to your "OMG You didn't use punctuation, I don't understand you and you suck at life!" comment:
You have no ability to comprehend words. I was making a critique of another user's language. By posting on a public forum, they open themselves up to such ridicule.
You make the idiotic mistake of blowing the whole argument up into a case of character assassination, which I never did.
Never did I once tell this poor language butcher that they "sucked at life", only that they sucked at using the english language... which is considerably different. I'm sure you will take this as me telling you "I think you're a horrible person", but all I'm telling you is "Back off me baby, you're not in your element."
No, I wasn't exaggerating... he sucks at typing. He should have some respect for our time and take two seconds to check over his post. You, ma'am, are wrong.
"I'll try, however, please try to post information on what I'm asking instead of telling me something that should have been in a pm."
If you are older than 13, you have no excuse for such terrible language usage.