1 Posts
17 years, 2 months ago
Hi, I would super appreciate it if anyone had the title of these two dragon cartoon shows or movies that I watched back around 1985-1990s in Quebec. The first one I believe was a movie, and had the following plot: every year a gathering of dragons met in this cavern. A girl stumbled upon the setting and the old dragon (red I think) told her about how the dragons were gradually dying out because of man. They went back in time to see it all and it ended with him taking for a flight over fields, and I believe that he got shot.

The second, took place with cute dragons in a highly colourful candyland or land with brightly rounded shapes. There was a race on icing or snow.

I would appreciate if anyone could help me, Ive been trying to remember for over a year!:confused:
    361 Posts
    17 years, 2 months ago
    The first one kind of sounds like the plot synopsis of this movie. The other, I'm not sure about.

    Hope that helps!
    SchwinnGirl's Signature Image
      2386 Posts
      17 years, 2 months ago
      second one sounds like Dragontales.
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