JP's Avatar
1826 Posts
17 years, 2 months ago
I haven't seen this commercial on RJ, but I remember the rectangular Gas Can, the Car Wax, and the Service station, as I had those growing up. Which ones did you have?
What is popular isn't always right; What is Right isn't always popular.
    JP's Avatar
    1826 Posts
    17 years, 2 months ago
    What is popular isn't always right; What is Right isn't always popular.
      chrisno51's Avatar
      1574 Posts
      17 years, 2 months ago
      I had a couple of Micro Machine playsets, but nothing like those, pretty nifty though! Thanks for sharing.
        JP's Avatar
        1826 Posts
        17 years, 2 months ago
        HI Chrisno, what kind of mirco machines did you have? I proably had almost all of them.
        What is popular isn't always right; What is Right isn't always popular.
          jenniferswe's Avatar
          403 Posts
          17 years, 2 months ago
          Oh yeah! The fast talking guy! My brother had a few micro machines. Those things were so small, they would get lost easily.
          What are you people!? On dope!?

            chrisno51's Avatar
            1574 Posts
            17 years, 2 months ago
            HI Chrisno, what kind of mirco machines did you have? I proably had almost all of them.

            Hey, JP. Well when I was a young kid I remember having a couple of those mini Micro Machine playsets (I\'m pretty positive that they were Micro Machine brand). I remember one being a small garage type one with a ramp and on the upper level it had a tower you could put one of the micros in, the tower had a red turn knob to use to take the micro to the the top. I think I also had some kind of car-wash one ( I could be wrong on that, but I do remember having two sets). I don\'t remember what the sets were called. I didn\'t really have a lot of Micro Machines, I had the few that came with the mini playsets, and some extra ones. This was maybe at least 15 or 16 years ago.
              2 Posts
              17 years, 2 months ago
              I remember things like it but I don\'t think I had any.
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