WaxSoulRoK's Avatar
27 Posts
16 years, 8 months ago
Does anyone remember Tomes and Talismans? I remember watching it at school during library time. Sometimes our Librarian Mrs. Ielo that's (eye-L-O) would read us a story and sometimes we would watch educational films or shows like Peanut Butter Solution and Tomes and Talismans. It's set in the future where aliens have taken over the world (they are called wipers) and they destroy all the world's books so that future generations will be to dumb to revolt. There's a prophecy where a man on a white horse holds in his hand a crimson ruby that will do something. I can't remember. Anyway I remember this librarian from the past explaining the dewey decimal system and one of the dumb future people thought that a hamburger was a wild animal and he thought they should catch one. I know that's kind of a obscure reference but that's about all I remember. I don't know if I'd like it if I watched it again now that I'm older, you know how that goes, but It sounds pretty cool and really strange.
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    snkreed99's Avatar
    139 Posts
    16 years, 8 months ago
    I remember it. When I was young, we did not have cable, so in the summer during the day, if I did not have someone to play with or if the weather was bad, it was P.B.S. or soap operas. We also watched it during library time when I was in the 5th or 6th grade. I remember the man on the white horse. I believe they used a hologram to make the image in the sky. If I remember correctly, the wipers were afraid of horses.
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      vincent7's Avatar
      30 Posts
      16 years, 8 months ago
        WaxSoulRoK's Avatar
        27 Posts
        16 years, 8 months ago
        Yeah you were right snkreed99 about that hologram and thanks vincent7 I watched T&T on youtube it was really cool to see it all again. It's amazing to me how much I remembered when started watching it.
        A Distorted Reality Is Now A Necessity To Be Free
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