PirateNinja6's Avatar
2472 Posts
16 years, 7 months ago
This brand of potato chips would come in white bags, with a vertical line, the color I remember was a dark red, almost brown, and the vertical line came straight down it, and a picture of a chip or two was on the bag. It was sold in hippie supermarkets like Whole Foods. Can someone help me with this? I need to know the brand's name.
    NoCode0680's Avatar
    575 Posts
    16 years, 7 months ago
    Something about that sounded familiar to me, and I've been searching the net, but I haven't found anything. Do you remember anything else about them?
    Pearl to the damn Jam

      PirateNinja6's Avatar
      2472 Posts
      16 years, 7 months ago
      They varied in flavors, there was a red, blue, and green, I think. The bag was about as a big as a big Ruffles bag. They looked liked Ruffles too, but trust me, they were not.
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