We had this Buick since i was 4. It's really rusty now and it's getting kinda old so I'll be sad when we'll have to get rid of it. This thing took me everywhere :(
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We had this Buick since i was 4. It's really rusty now and it's getting kinda old so I'll be sad when we'll have to get rid of it. This thing took me everywhere :(
My bf was the same when we had 2 get rid of his old car
Caz x
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awwwwwwwwwwwwww, i know what u mean
My bf was the same when we had 2 get rid of his old car
Caz x
Quote O' Matic
Hanging Lady:"No wonder you're upset. She's lovely. And a darling figure... supple, pouting breasts... firm thighs. It's a shame you two don't get along."