177 Posts
16 years, 7 months ago
Okay I was going to wait and try to get some more info on this memory of a movie from my sister cause we used to watch it together but I don't think she'd remember anyway. All I can remember is its a movie from the mid to late 80's and there's a boy and a lake or some body of water and a crane? or something like a crane? I think maybe someone thinks its a creature? Oh hell I have no clue ... its sucha tiny speck of a memory but you guys are good. Anybody care to take a stab at that one?? Thanks ~ Nikki ... a girl.
"Punish the deed not the breed!" Pittie Love!!
    2386 Posts
    16 years, 7 months ago
    not ringing any got anything else?
      NoCode0680's Avatar
      575 Posts
      16 years, 7 months ago
      It's called Frog Dreaming, in some places it's called "The Quest". The other day I was just wondering about this movie, but since it's been so long since I've seen it I forgot to do any research. Anyway I remember liking it as a kid, and it has Henry Thomas from E.T.
      Pearl to the damn Jam

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