6 Posts
16 years, 6 months ago
hi, i was wondering if you could help me remember the name of a show about puppets ( kinda the style of sesame street) it was about a puppet who was a radio program anchor/host, and the other puppets (also citizens from that town) used to call to his radio show to ask for help or to communicate something. there was a green dragon and a tree-looking builduing with an elevator
and a gentle vampire (i think)
please help me remember that show
    SquidMan93's Avatar
    310 Posts
    16 years, 6 months ago
    I think you're thinking of "Dudley the Dragon".
      Captain_Howdy30's Avatar
      2207 Posts
      16 years, 6 months ago
      A show ABOUT puppets? It's about some damn puppets? For real?
        2623 Posts
        16 years, 6 months ago
        I think you're thinking of "Dudley the Dragon".

        the only thing thing that description has in common with dudley the dragon is "there was a green dragon "

          SquidMan93's Avatar
          310 Posts
          16 years, 6 months ago
          I think you're thinking of "Dudley the Dragon".

          the only thing thing that description has in common with dudley the dragon is "there was a green dragon "


          Really? Well, I guess that's the only part that caught my eye. I didn't read the rest of the description. :lol:
            6 Posts
            16 years, 6 months ago
            c'om people hel´p
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