Timothy1964's Avatar
520 Posts
16 years, 6 months ago
Who remembers the Pet Rock trend in the mid 1970s??? Also, who was gullible enough to believe they were actually alive? Well, I was! I remember when I was in 5th grade (in early 1976), when my school bus driver had a Pet Rock that she kept on the bus, and it seemed so convincing that it was a "living creature", with its box with the air holes, nest-like "bedding" and the booklet on how to "raise" it. She even let me take it home with me one day, and I remember petting and talking to it! Then I started bugging my mom to get me one, but the store we went to didn't have any more, so I settled for a "knock-off" called "Loveable, Rubbable, Leash-Trained Pebble Pal". It was much smaller than the Pet Rock, but it came in a similar box with the "air holes" and "bedding", and the pebble had a chain "leash" attached to it, that could also be worn around the neck as a necklace. Who came up with the "Pet Rock" hoax anyway???
    361 Posts
    16 years, 6 months ago
    Lol, unfortunately, the pet rock craze was a tad before my time, but that didn't stop me from trying to keep a stone from the yard in a little house, as a child. There is an episode of Family Guy though, where they have a pet rock that keeps pissing on the carpet. Good times. ;)

    Were these marketed rocks? That came in a box? Or did you provide your own rock?
    SchwinnGirl's Signature Image
      Videogamenerd's Avatar
      1202 Posts
      16 years, 6 months ago
      I just used a rock i found in the backyard or something as a rock pet because my area didn't have pet rocks.
      [sub] [/sub]

        22 Posts
        16 years, 6 months ago
        Glad I'm not that old to have had a pet rock. hah :lol:
          jenniferswe's Avatar
          403 Posts
          16 years, 6 months ago
          My husband and I were joking around about those one day. I told him I would got out and get rocks from the driveway. He said, "Oh, you like those wild rocks." Then I said something like, "I could throw my pet rock at somebody and say, "bad rock!" He laughed.
          What are you people!? On dope!?

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