stinkyfish's Avatar
22 Posts
16 years, 5 months ago
I had basically 3 things i was supposed to do everyday when i got home from school before i went out and played:

1. Take out the trash
2, feed the dog
3. take off my school clothes before i went outside to play

And for the life of me i dont know why i couldnt do those 3 simple things before i went back outside to play but i couldnt. i was in too big of a hurry. I mean sometimes i wouldnt even make it to the house before i couldnt resist and just drop my backpack and start playing with whoever was in the neighborhood. Atleast 2-3 times a week it seems looking back that i was forgetting to do atleast 1 of those things and quite possibly all 3 all because i couldnt wait to get back outside and play with my friends. I usually would just get lectured about numbers 1 & 2, but the biggie was wearing my school clothes to play in, Id get grounded. I cant blame my mom for getting pissed about the clothes, i remember at one point i think every pair of jeans i had either had huge grass stains or patches on the knees cause i was just so hard on them. anyway its pretty funny looking back but i bet my parents were thinking you mean this kid cant remember to do just 3 simple things that we remind him about and yell at him about and ground him over everyday.
    Roadgeek's Avatar
    1016 Posts
    16 years, 5 months ago
    Whining. 'Nuff said. But I'm not too proud of it either.
    Roadgeek: Proud Little Kid of the Mid '90s

    In Memory of Carolina Circle Mall
      RetroRickster923's Avatar
      16 years, 5 months ago
      I had to do 2 out of those 3 things, but I didn't have to change my school clothes. I got in trouble for well I dunno I really don't do anything wrong. :oops:
      I am Ricky, hear me think! :D
        bassman21's Avatar
        4618 Posts
        16 years, 5 months ago
        I was always getting into trouble for touching things I was not suppose to. I was a very curious and smart kid and wanted to know how everything worked.

        I never had to change my clothes after school, take out the trash or never had to feed the dog. If fact I didn't have to do any chorse which was why our house was always messy. My parents really let me have it too easy growing up. I was never spoiled so to speak because we didn't have much money, but I did get my way allot when I complained. I always complained how things were done in the house and compaired it to my friend’s houses. Other than that I really didn't cause too much trouble at home. At school I was always in trouble mostly for talking and not doing my work.
          elron's Avatar
          726 Posts
          16 years, 5 months ago
          I used to piss the bed a lot when I was up to the time I finished the second grade. I remember being reprimanded for not being a very "big boy" and having to wear rubber underpants to bed.
            SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
            4806 Posts
            16 years, 5 months ago
            For me, probably lying. If I did something and knew I was going to get in trouble for it, I always tried to lie my way out of it, even though I wasn't a good liar.
              Videogamenerd's Avatar
              1202 Posts
              16 years, 5 months ago
              I to lied and tried to get out of it but my parents use to do the same thing i did when i was there age so the got me in the lie.
              [sub] [/sub]

                KittenFangs's Avatar
                154 Posts
                16 years, 5 months ago
                Nothing. I was a spoiled brat.
                  MRCSL1's Avatar
                  504 Posts
                  16 years, 5 months ago
                  I don't remember what I got in trouble a lot for as a child. I got in trouble for a few obvious reasons.
                    Phantasmagoria_3D's Avatar
                    16 years, 5 months ago
                    For me, I mostly got in trouble for misbehaving in school.
                      lorax's Avatar
                      977 Posts
                      16 years, 5 months ago
                      I was always getting my ass beat for being a smart alec. Over the years though I've managed to time my smart-ass remarks so they are more funny than anything else
                      "This scar is a fleck on my porcelain skin, tried to reach deep but you couldn't get in..."
                        Alyssa_Branen's Avatar
                        2220 Posts
                        16 years, 5 months ago
                        I was spoiled to. I never got in trouble at school and I never did anything really bad at home but I WAS guilty of getting my way alot of the time and if I really didn't want to do something, I wasn't made to do it, which was let me tell you, a rude awakening when I was out on my own and had to do everything for myself. When your 18/19 living in your own apartment your mommy can't make your phone calls and appointments for you anymore and that was a big one for me. I hated calling people up I didn' t know and if I ever had a problem with homework or didn't understand something instead of making me call the teacher or go up after school and ask the teacher for extra help my mom would make the call for me. It was a releif for me back then but when I think about it now i'm kind of embarassed about the whole thing. If I had been a boy the teachers probably would have thought I was a mamas boy. So when I graduated highschool and moved out on my own, I wasn't used to making my own phone calls and standing up for myself and the normal other social things like that that other kids had been doing for years.. but I had to get over that. So I never got in trouble, but I wish that we had been a little less spoiled growing up.

                        My brother was always getting in trouble for lying and starting fights with my younger sister and other things. He would ussually get a drop of tabasco on his tongue LOL
                          RetroxBunny's Avatar
                          1987 Posts
                          16 years, 5 months ago
                          Haha those days =)
                          Sometimes I would do stupid things like I wouldn't do the things my parents tell me to do, which is pretty common for most of us here. I lied here and there a few TOO many times that would give me a spanking^^ I did some other things but I can hardly remember, eh.

                          I collect Retro Junk action figures. I've got a limited edition DebrisStorm with karate chop action still in the box. I've also got a special edition vkimo that comes with a typewrit
                            79987 Posts
                            16 years, 5 months ago
                            I would usually get in trouble for low grades or acting up or not doing chores or whatever.
                              16 years, 5 months ago
                              talking back or a not so good report card
                                21 Posts
                                16 years, 5 months ago
                                Bad grades or blowing up grubs.
                                  EZR09's Avatar
                                  135 Posts
                                  16 years, 5 months ago
                                  I have done a lot of stupid things in my time. For example: I used to stick messages in lockers in elementary school and one of them said that principal had pink underpants which came from a television show called Doug and I was not allowed to watch it for a while.
                                    EZR09's Avatar
                                    135 Posts
                                    15 years, 8 months ago
                                    I wrote on my teacher's sweater once with one of my pens when I was little and I was not allowed to have the pen anymore.
                                      Wave_Motion_Gun's Avatar
                                      15 years, 8 months ago
                                      Not doing chores

                                      Watching too much tv

                                      Back talk to mom
                                      Being ol' school may have happened in the past but it WILL ALWAYS be my present and future
                                        spirit271's Avatar
                                        85 Posts
                                        15 years, 8 months ago
                                        Poor report card, whining too much, "accidents", staying up late, caught in a lie.
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