I remember the ads for them, the first few volumes were alright, I think it was volume one or two that had Tod Rundgren's Bang the Drum, a great track. Later volumes got too much into bad techno.
The 90's had a lot of good comps and comps series, starting in the early 90's with Wayne and Garth the Basement Tapes (I've got that one,) Atlantic Records releasing several boxed sets (Rock Music at Atlantic, several R&B and Blues collections, Led Zeppelin Boxed Set vols 1 and 2 and the 3 cd special edition [2 cds of music and an interview and radio station liner disc with a documentary including rare songs] called Remasters which was meant to be a promo item but wound up being sold in stores too and CSNY boxed set and Yes - Yesyears) and later the the Frosh series (I used to have volume one, it was great.) My sister had a few volumes of Sun Jams which had some good stuff on the first few volumes. Later in the decade to commemorate an aniversary of the Junos (Canadian version of the Grammies), the 20th I think there was a 4 cd boxed set called Oh What a Feeling which was decent enough. The first few volumes of Much Music's Big Shiny Tunes were good, volumes 5 and on I think are awful.