eddstarr88's Avatar
6987 Posts
16 years, 3 months ago
One of the coolest candy bar companies in the 1960's was Peter Paul. They made candy bars with style and promoted them in magazines, newspapers and especially television.

One of Peter Paul's biggest ad campains ever was for a new candy bar that became the only product flop the company ever had.

It was called, are you ready . . . "Peanut Butter with NO Jelly"!

Remember it? I can do better than that, I ate one. And after I ate it I told all my friends "I just had a Peanut Butter with NO Jelly bar". If only you could hear how they laughed at me!

And not just me. Seemed that everyone that talked about this candy bar got laughed at by family and friends. Some spent time explaining just what it was thanks to the name; "you ate a what?" "how did you eat it if it wasn't there?" "what kind of jelly was it?"

Peter Paul spent millions on advertising on a candy bar few ever tasted.

I never ate another one, but it wasn't bad. Tasted like a Pay Day bar without the salt.

Does anyone else remember this candy bar?

The Eldorado is dead. Long live the Eldorado.
    misspiggy's Avatar
    1442 Posts
    16 years, 3 months ago
    Never heard of it until now.
    Sounds weird.
      eddstarr88's Avatar
      6987 Posts
      16 years, 3 months ago
      Never heard of it until now.
      Sounds weird.

      Even weirder, there are no references on the web for this except for one blog page.
      The Eldorado is dead. Long live the Eldorado.
        Maklu_IV's Avatar
        747 Posts
        16 years, 3 months ago
        I've never heard of it, either. Was it just a slab of peanut butter in a wrapper or something?

        n00b, (noob), noun informal: A person who does not know how to fully be a douchebag like yourself.
          misspiggy's Avatar
          1442 Posts
          16 years, 3 months ago
          Yeah, was it chewy?
          Did it have peanuts and chocolate?
            NickRules's Avatar
            4941 Posts
            16 years, 3 months ago
            Thats nasty if its just peanut butter.
              eddstarr88's Avatar
              6987 Posts
              16 years, 3 months ago
              I've never heard of it, either. Was it just a slab of peanut butter in a wrapper or something?

              It had peanut butter nougat center rolled in rice crispies and covered in a peanut butter flavored coating similar to chocolate in consistency. But instead of peanuts it tasted more like maple syrup. Hey, I like maple syrup too. Wow it was Sweet! (not in a good way).
              The Eldorado is dead. Long live the Eldorado.
                eddstarr88's Avatar
                6987 Posts
                16 years, 3 months ago
                Yeah, was it chewy?
                Did it have peanuts and chocolate?

                No, it was not chewy at all. It melted in your mouth except for the rice crispies. I think that's what the crispies were for, as a peanut substitute. Without the crispies you wouldn't need to chew at all. And NO chocolate!
                The Eldorado is dead. Long live the Eldorado.
                  eddstarr88's Avatar
                  6987 Posts
                  16 years, 3 months ago
                  I've never heard of it, either. Was it just a slab of peanut butter in a wrapper or something?

                  I'm betting the outer coating on the candy bar was peanut butter flavored white chocolate. Because if you held it in your hand too long you got peanut colored goo on your fingers that tasted more like maple syrup.
                  The Eldorado is dead. Long live the Eldorado.
                    Maklu_IV's Avatar
                    747 Posts
                    16 years, 3 months ago
                    Ick. It doesn't sound too gratifying. If I had one I'd dip it in a jelly jar.

                    n00b, (noob), noun informal: A person who does not know how to fully be a douchebag like yourself.
                      RetroJessica1985's Avatar
                      16 years, 3 months ago
                      Ew why would anyone make a chocolate bar with jelly and peanut butter anyways.
                        eddstarr88's Avatar
                        6987 Posts
                        16 years, 3 months ago
                        Ick. It doesn't sound too gratifying. If I had one I'd dip it in a jelly jar.

                        YOU NAILED IT! Golly miss molly Maklu IV I think I understand now!

                        A peanut butter bar that doesn't taste like peanuts. What flavor is it? An approximation of the flavor of a PBJ sandwich inside of your mouth, without any jelly. So what do you call it?

                        Call it "Peanut Butter with NO Jelly"!

                        Don't ya get it now? Because of the name, I focused on what's NOT there. My taste buds were primed to be disappointed right from the first bite!

                        If I had dipped that candy bar in grape jelly like Maklu_IV says, the flavor in my mouth would have leveled out to a PBJ sandwich with crispies (chunky peanut butter fake out).

                        That's what I've been trying to reconcile in my mind all of these years. That danmed candy bar needed the one thing it's advertised not to have - Jelly!

                        One of the great mysteries of the Universe solved by Maklu_IV and the membership of Retro Junk!

                        Hey I'm smelling a Nobel Prize here people!
                        The Eldorado is dead. Long live the Eldorado.
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