79987 Posts
16 years ago
Who remebers this duo who sang about video games? Their Pac-man Fever album kicked so much ass. The Mr. T song did too.
    117 Posts
    16 years ago
    The PAC-MAN FEVER album, one of my all time favorites when I was about 10 or 11. I still remember most of the songs.
      Caps_2-0's Avatar
      2745 Posts
      16 years ago
      On another message board I was on years ago, they set up a session with Buckner and Garcia where posters could send 3 questions to them and they would answer. I sent my 3 and they were very nice in responding to them. I forgot what those questions, but I think that was one of the inspirations for my doing celebrity interviews for this site.
        InfiniteZer0's Avatar
        352 Posts
        16 years ago
        I actually have a copy of the Pac Man Fever cassette. My brother in law gave it to me.
          Timothy1964's Avatar
          520 Posts
          16 years ago
          I was in high school when Pac-Man was the "King Of The Arcade". It was in early 1982 while I was in 11th grade when I was first "introduced" to Pac-Man in a hotel game room during a ski trip with my church senior high youth group. It was after returning home from that trip when I first heard Buckner & Garcia's "Pac-Man Fever" one evening while I was sitting in my room listening to and taping songs from the radio. To this day, whenever I hear Pac-Man Fever or play Pac-Man, it always takes me back to my high school years, especially 11th and 12th grade, as well as that ski trip!
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