eddstarr88's Avatar
6987 Posts
16 years ago
Make room RJ - "Baretta" must have its own post cuz it rules!
This intro theme will kick your intro theme's ass.
(Still can't believe that's Sammy Davis Jr., dude's got some pipes!)

Youtube tribute video to Robert Blake as Baretta:
The Eldorado is dead. Long live the Eldorado.
    PrincessAdora's Avatar
    16 years ago
    I agree! I even have this song on my iPod. I never knew Sammy sang it.
      Maklu_IV's Avatar
      747 Posts
      16 years ago
      Yeah, that intro theme kills all right, knowutamean?

      n00b, (noob), noun informal: A person who does not know how to fully be a douchebag like yourself.
        eddstarr88's Avatar
        6987 Posts
        16 years ago
        Just when you think the verse is about to repeat, the background ladies cut in with "well, well, well!" - awesome!
        The Eldorado is dead. Long live the Eldorado.
          926 Posts
          16 years ago
          actually i looked up that theme song recently for the first time very good. I also liked the theme song to the fall guy but, that was more of a cheesier feel.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPT3rnzXT4A
          in the hay hey hey!
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