15 years, 10 months ago
do you remember a show where the cartoon characters were on a beach or island (i think that was even in the title) or island jungle, but they were really weird and they would run around bugging each other for the most part, but i remember voodoo dolls and stuff. And them pooking really big needles into the dolls. and sometimes you would see the character jump when the needle stuck the doll!!! it was a really weird childrens show. i still remember thinking that at that young age!! they would go on a boat sometimes...
i dont think i'd want my daughter watching it, but i still wanna remember what it was called!! the show kinda reminded me of RACCOONS, cuz i think there were some raccons in it
    15 years, 10 months ago
    i seriously went on you tube and a couple other sites last night til like 3 in the morning trying to find out what it was!! i search everything i could think about that would be on the show. it must have been banned or something, but i would think i would be able to find something about it!! it's driving me crazy!! it may even have been one of those german kids cartoon, translated into english! i dont know!! does any one have any idea??
      15 years, 10 months ago
      ok guys! i think i was wrong about a couple things!! i am leaning towards snakes now. i am pretty sure the show was all snakes or had a family of snakes that fought a lot! they would get twisted up with each other, or knotted up somehow and there may have been a few select other animals, or some kind of birds, but i am thinking some kind of snake island, or beach/jungle. Also when i think of the title or opening credits, i see the name of the show being red?? bubble letters that either turn into snakes or have the snakes hanging off of them. i still remember them poking voodoo dolls of somesort, but that s about it!! i also have a scene in my head of a snake bouncing off into the distance with the sunsetting in front of him and he is grumbling about something!! any body have any ideas yet???
        15 years, 10 months ago
        i found it!!!! it's called

        ovide and the gang, or ovides island!!!


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