eddstarr88's Avatar
6987 Posts
15 years, 10 months ago
In the 1970's, BBC shows from the UK were light years ahead of anything available in the States. During my college years every TV, at least among the campus crowd, seemed to be tuned in to see what those cleaver Brits were up to.

Case in point, "The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin". At its most basic this is a show about an office worker having a mid-life crisis. Oh but this show is so much more than that!

The lead character Reginald Perrin is unhappy, bored, dissatisfied and just plain tired of his bland existence. Is this comedy? It is with excellent acting and genius writing. "The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin" is one of those rare comedy series that you can watch over and over without tiring of it. It's so well done that you will see something new that you didn't catch the first time.

Like a cross between Monty Python and Fawlty Towers, Reginald Perrin is complex, deep and flat out funny. Reggie pokes fun at middle age, middle management, middlce class values. He hates his job, hates his boss and hates his mother-in-law, big time!

So Reggie lashes out in his mind against everything he dislikes and in Ally McBeal fashion we "see" what Reggie thinks, and its always rude, lol!

One day, when he couldn't take it anymore, Reginald Perrin suffers a breakdown and in despiration resorts to faking his own death. And thus is born the classic opening sequence of the show where Reggie runs along the beach, taking his clothes off, he wades into the surf in order to emerge "reborn" as a new Reginald Perrin ready to do battle against everything he hates - starting with his job and his boss, with hilarious results.

The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin - title sequence on youtube:
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