Shepard_of_Suburbia's Avatar
16 years, 1 month ago
If you guys have seen my Humongous Entertainment article, that was just a big mistake. Some how while writing it it got submitted and I did not even hit the button.

Now I just finished writing it the way it should have been and now I just need to add pictures. I'm having a lot of trouble though. Everytime I add a picture which I have gotten from google and other image providers it also just becomes that red x in a white box. Can you guys please tell me a good reason as to why this is happening I'm looking to prevent my articlles from being in the back page.

I appreciate your help.
    SuperK1979's Avatar
    24 Posts
    16 years, 1 month ago
    It sucks.... but what I do is keep reviewing it over and over again. Keep looking at it before submitting it. I bet you did that already, but the same happens to me when I find good pictures, I just keep reviewing the article. Sadly, I think that people put too much emphasis in the pictures and not the writing. Your article was well written without the pictures....
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