blueryan913's Avatar
716 Posts
16 years, 4 months ago
Has anyone seen this movie? I saw it a long long time ago on either USA Up All Night or Commander USA's Groovy Movies.
It's one of those so bad it's good kinda movies
Garret Morris(S.N.L) and Paul Sorvino star in it
    946 Posts
    16 years, 4 months ago
    Man I remember that horrible movie. One of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life. My brother bought this recently. Been debating if I could get away with throwing it in the thrash.
      theguy73's Avatar
      414 Posts
      16 years, 4 months ago
      Man that is a classic B horror movie. I remember renting that movie back in the 80's.
      When life gives you lemons look for someone whose life gave them vodka and have a party
        Maklu_IV's Avatar
        747 Posts
        16 years, 4 months ago
        Haven't seen it, but I wish I did. It looks so damn horrible but good. I love that kind of crap.

        n00b, (noob), noun informal: A person who does not know how to fully be a douchebag like yourself.
          skippymallory's Avatar
          531 Posts
          16 years, 4 months ago
          that is the biggest hunk of chesse I have ever seen, and yet I can't help but like it. on Friday I was thinking about it at work and after I got off, I stopped by this secondhand store and skimmed through the DVDs and when I got to S, I found The Stuff, I gasped. and more when I saw it was only 3 bucks. although it wasn't the Anchor Bay version, I was happy just to get.

          when I watched it, I couldn't help how it would be a little politically incorrect it would be nowadays. but hey, it was the 1980's and they were very campy indeed and I would rate this high on that level. thank you, Larry Cohen. 8)
          a hopeless romantic and defender of the unloved, the geeky and the misunderstood. a friend to underdogs and misfits everywhere. :)
            946 Posts
            16 years, 4 months ago
            Haven't seen it, but I wish I did. It looks so damn horrible but good. I love that kind of crap.

            Then you will be in hog heaven my friend. It doesn't get much worse than this.
              skippymallory's Avatar
              531 Posts
              16 years, 4 months ago
              and if you blink, you'll miss an early appearance of Dr. McDreamy.
              a hopeless romantic and defender of the unloved, the geeky and the misunderstood. a friend to underdogs and misfits everywhere. :)
                kayvee's Avatar
                3672 Posts
                16 years, 4 months ago
                I try and watch this at least once a month along with that movie "THE GATE". The video art for THE STUFF was much cooler than the theatrical movie poster.

                Remember what happen to Chocolate Chip Charlie? Damn shame.
                  80s90sboy87's Avatar
                  376 Posts
                  16 years, 4 months ago
                  I added this to my amazon wish list, and I seen it some months ago online, it was pretty weird, especially the boy's family after eating "the stuff", but it was alright, very cheesy though.
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