Vertex's Avatar
367 Posts
2 years, 5 months ago
Over the past year I have been plugging away at a total top down rewrite of the site. I figured it was far enough along to unveil so tadaa!

I have tried to keep the core look of the old site while bringing it up to speed in terms of mobil support and some other things that have been bugging me about the site.

One of the most obvious things is I have changed the size for article thumbnails since they were a microscopic 50x50 pixels. I have also started preferring a more standard size for Movie and TV posters. I will be updating the article thumbnails as I have time and the movie/tv posters are user editable so feel free to help out on that if you want :).

With an update this big there will be tons of bugs but I will be actively working to get things running smoothly and if you spot anything let me know through the bug reporting link in the footer of the site below. If you have login issues let me know via email thought the contact page in the footer.

Retro Junk is nearly 20 years old, but she is still kickin'.
When I die, I want to die peacefully, in my sleep, like my grandpa did. Not like the screaming passengers in his car.
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